Halloween Spooks and Wake=Night Funeral

Last Saturday, Kechara Care held their first annual Halloween Party.

The entrance was emblazened with bloodied letters, "KEEP OUT!" as a warning for those who are not Halloween fanatics.

I dressed up as a vampire. I had to not wear my fangs most of the time as it kind of hurts. Anyway, back to this tale of horror.

Upon passing the reception counter, I was greeted by a hanging severed leg. Followed by cob web that tangled me. The scenery was really horrific.

After that, a magician came and mesmerized everyone in the illusions such as him nearly cutting off his finger.

To end the night, Kechara Care turned on the projector and screened a horror movie, "Drag me to Hell". The synopsis can be found on wikipedia.

That was the end of the Halloween spooks night.

Wake = Night Funeral

I discovered what is the meaning of the word wake. It actually meant a funeral at night. I went to the wake of Aunty Su Ming's grandmother. My deepest condolences to her and her family.

This was another reminder that death is so near by. Life is just so impermanent.

Once Again, my deepest condolences.
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