Today, I read the school newsletter. It was very depressing as it talked on a song called gloomy sunday. There is an urban legend saying that the song caused a mass wave of suicide.

I read the poem. I really got depressed very quickly. Even if I don't understand the essence of it, my mind tells me that I should be very depressed.

Sunday is gloomy,
my hours are slumberless,
Dearest the Shadows,
who I live with are numberless,
Little white flowers,
will never awaken you,
Not where the black coach of sorrow has taken you,
Angels have no thought of returning you,
Will they be Angry,
If I join you?

I think the poem is actually quite scary. Everyone can read on its legend at wikipedia.
Today, school was very unusually dull. Nothing really special happened at all. Even my maths teachers did not rant about like usual with political speeches.

I just finished my homework and then I watched the television. The only interesting thing on the telly was a show on National Geographic called What If? It seemed quite interesting because they talked on whether humans can live without water, winter olympics in summer, how to make soap out of dangerous chemicals, what happens if your telly is shocked by a lightning shock.

Conclusion, humans need to at least drink 1.5litres of water to survive everyday.
Pykrete is a type of ice that is strong as cement and basically consists of wood shaving and ice.
Soap can be made out of coconut oil, caustic soda, 100ml or water, vegetable fat and olive oil but it is not recommended to wash face with the soap.
Nothing happens to the television it just shorts out.
I woke up at 11 today because I had to go to Lam Rim Class. In Lam Rim class they were talking about the preciousness of human life and also on the importance of prayers in our daily lives. I actually found out that when one does prayers, they are actually getting a glimpse into the Buddha's mind.

At MKC today, we talked about Adolf Hitler and about the reason he hated the Jewish. It turns out that he hated them due to many theories. A few are Jealousy, he also blames the Jewish for nearly everything bad that happens to him. We also saw a seen of the horror movie: "The Sixth Sense"

Just now, I saw a very interesting news topic on about peta.
Today, I had school. It was a really normal day in every way except for the fact that my mathematics teacher insulted most of the students in my class and also criticized all malaysians especially what most people consider as minorities. She also talked about the superiority of her over the malaysian government and ranted on about how the malaysian government should crash so that Chinese people can rule malaysia. She also commented on how muslims get benefits and chinese people don't. I think that what the teacher said was very offensive.

I attempted to reconnect my relationship with one of my friends. I gave him a chance despite him being so selfish and worthless. He rejected that chance to have at least some friends. He is also blackmailing my friend and I by giving the teacher loads of rubbish saying that we hurt him badly, well just to clear things up.

My dog was unusually good today. I guess the dog could see that I am in a slightly bad mood today.
Last friday night, I went out to watch a movie being screened in Kechara Care. It was called "The Rocky Horror Picture Show"

It was a parody of horror films and they really screwed it up. The opening credits lasted for five minutes with just a singing mouth. Then most of the film is related with transvestites and aliens. I thought the storyline was horrid but the songs were not bad if you just hear them and not watch.

On saturday, there was a lantern festival hosted by Kechara House. I made my own lantern. It did not look the least appealing to others but I still felt it looked like somethings I would take out at night with a candle lit.

There was actually a screening of the legend of the conch shell in KC but I missed it due to the lantern making competition.

There was a pomelo eating competition later. The pomelo was so bitter as I ate through it.

Sunday was a very fun day. I woke up unusually early so I could go rock climbing. I managed to climb the eight meter wall.

We went to A&W for lunch. Due to the lack of vegan food there, my lunch was rootbeer, curley fries and a waffle.

We later went to Kc for a screening of the expendables. The expendables is an action movie that stars all the big stars in hollywood such as Sylvester Stallone(Rambo), Jason Statham(the transporter), Jet Li(rogue assasin).

We went to feed the fish at bukit jalil park later. The fish were monsters. We saw a dead fish getting ripped apart. I hope that fish will have a good rebirth.

After that I went to aunty Li Kim's house to hang out with Julian and Lucas and Jason. I also had dinner there.

After that Mama took me out to watch a movie called inception. It was very confusing as it was a dream within a dream within a dream within a dream. I am currently still trying to figure out how it works. I hope someone will explain to me.

I think the movie was very good though and it is suitable for all audiences who wonder on the wonders of the subject called "the mind".
Lately I have been having a lot of fun.

A band from Kuantan arrived at Kechara Care to sing. I thought they sang very well even though I could not understand a single word they were singing as they were all in Cantonese.

I think that what they are doing is very good as they are contributing towards the Dharma in a way. I helped to carry the donation box around.

Uncle Theirry taught Mama, Aunty Susan, Aunty Shin, Aunty Jamie and I some sort of breathing exercise called Boteyko Breathing.

Here is a link on a more explainable area as I can't really tell anyone how it works.

That is about it for today.

I have just changed some parts of my blog.
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