Tsongkhapa Day

Yesterday was Lama Tsongkhapa day. It is a holy day for all Tibetans and Buddhists as it commemorates the Passing and Enlightenment of the great creator of the Gelugpa or Yellow Hat Lineage, the Second Buddha, Lama Tsongkhapa.

After helping to set up the day before, there was nothing much that needed my helping other than a few more extra cushions.

Before the prayers, Uncle David gave us a wonderful presentation about Lama Tsongkhapa. The link to the presentation is here:

Please watch it. It is a very well organized video presentation. It is in Chinese but there are English Subtitles.

After Uncle David's presentation, Rinpoche came. He gave a talk on the basic knowledge of Lama Tsongkhapa and he also told us to stop taking from our loved ones.

Rinpoche also said that if one wants to learn the Dharma, one should request sincerely to the Lama as the Lama holds the knowledge. Rinpoche also talked about why we must prostrate to the Lama. We are actually not prostrating to the Lama, we are prostrating to the knowledge which he holds as it can bring us towards Enlightenment.

I also learnt that our main Buddhas are Lama Tsongkhapa and Vajrayogini. When the lights are dark and you see a thing with no head, who do you call? TSONGKHAPA.

The thing that stood out in the talk for me is that I should stop just taking and taking and taking from my family but instead I should actually be giving back as they have cared for me during most of their lives. I should not just mooch of them.

And another thing that Rinpoche said that stood out to me was that a way to be holy is to make someone smile in this case it would be Mama.

After Rinpoche's talk, we done a quick Lama Chopa because the main thing here is that Rinpoche has given a Dharma talk that is already as good as doing a puja but we still should do it.

I have decided to make a little song, hehe:

If there's something strange
in your neighborhood
Who ya gonna call?

If there's something weird
and it don't look good
Who ya gonna call?

He ain't afraid of no ghosts
He ain't afraid of no ghosts

If you see a pontianak,
Who ya gonna call,

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