The class have already reached the medium scope of the Lam Rim. Wow! Time sure flies huh? Here I am going to write about what I learned while referring to my notes and then I will elaborate a bit.

It is said that the Buddha gave his own flesh so that he can learn the Dharma. We are also reminded of the three pots which would either be leaky, contaminated, or upturned.

Now, i am going to write about a form of meditation.

Think about these few things. What is it that everyday we think of the most? What would be a bad day? What would you do on this bad day to make yourself feel better?

Think about it. Make a mental note about it. What? You want my answer?

The thing that I think about mostly would be food and school. A bad day to me is if things do not go along my way. My solution is not got and it is impermanent. What I do is that I go online or play some computer games. Usually, i do both.

If you did it right. You will only need 3 minutes. Yet, it felt so long. To me, it felt like as if I was already halfway through the class by the end of the meditation. This is quite noticeable. Try it! Come on!

When we are quiet, we will see our thoughts. There is one downside. You might get bored or tired because our mind is like a monkey mind. Our mind really does not like to stay in one place, it is like a monkey, hence the term "monkey mind".

Meditation is a key necessity to become Enlightened. If you want to become Enlightened, you have to meditate.

We all have the capability to meditate. In fact, we do it all day. We just meditate on the wrong things. We meditate on food, entertainment, a boy or a girl etc.

The Vajrayana Path, which is the path I follow, tells us to understand and acknowledge any feelings you have inside. That way, we can get to see our maras, our negative qualities , basically all the crap inside of us.

This meditation teaches you to recognize all those negative qualities. Also, you can also lean how to change your negative qualities and use them to benefit others and yourself. For example, if you are a very stubborn person, instead of being stubborn over detaching yourself from bad deeds, you can be stubborn in the sense that when you are doing the Dharma, you will be stubborn to stop.

We never get to know our own good or bad qualities if we do not do meditation.

We do not want to sit still as we have bad thoughts and we want to move about. Control it. Take note of it.

If you do the meditation in a group, you might be able to notice a pattern or certain similarities. If you all feel uncomfortable when you keep silent, then it is the silence that is bothersome. That is not entirely true, there most likely would be a slight difference in the thoughts so that there could be one person that likes the silence. So, it is not the silence.

That was just the opening to the lesson!

The day that the class was covering that day was Day 14. This day covers the sufferings of samsara.

Training your mind in the stages of the stages of the path if the path shared with the medium scope.

1)Developing thoughts of yearning for liberation.

a)Thinking about the general sufferings of samsara

i) The bane of uncertainty

We are unsure of things. We are never certain about anything. It can be like this one day and then it will be different another day. People do change nearly everyday and for some people, they can change in mere hours. There is no such thing as certainty. This causes a lot of pain for some people as they would not have things go a certain way.

ii) The bane of being dissatisfied.

Our enjoyments are like drinking salt water. Just try to be content, there is no need for more than needed.

iii) The bane of repeatedly leaving bodies

We do not stop changing. A car engine is easier to maintain than a human body.

iv) The bane of being conceived and born over and over again

The pain of being born over and over again is painful. It is like being crushed.

v)The bane of moving high to slow over and over again

It is going from heaven to hell. It is like going from ceo to slave then you go back to ceo.

vi) The bane of having no companion

Simple loneliness. As if no one gave a damn about you. We are born alone and we die alone.

b) The specific sufferings

i) The suffering of birth

Being born is painful. The small, fragile baby is being crushed by the birth canal. Then, the baby suddenly feels a different temperature. Then, the baby get slapped. I bet the baby would be thinking, "OMG, What the Firetruck are you doing to me." Even the softest fabric may feel like sandpaper to the baby's tender soft skin.

ii) Aging

'Nuff said.

iii) Illness

Some people have physical illness cannot move, but have a great mind. Vice versa.


Death is harder to relate to. We still cannot escape from death. The Dharma will help you prepare.

v) Separated from the beautiful

Being separated from things that are good

vi) Meeting with the ugly

Opposite of the above.

vii) Seeking things that you desire but you do not find them.

Such as if you plan what you are fdoiung next but you do not succeed.

c) Sufferings of the Demi-gods

They suffer a lot of mental suffering. They go to war because they do not have enough power. They go to war with the gods. They are very jealous.

d) Sufferings of the Gods

For those who believe in the one God thing, I am happy for you. In Buddhism, we still put God under samsara because we believe that Gods (there are more than one) can die. This is how (try to imagine):

After thousands to million years of enjoyments, you have never experienced suffering or pain. Your once golden color body turns dark like ashes. You find your throne disgusting. You once beautiful and colourful flower garlands rot and wither. Your robes catch stains.

There, not so nice isn't it?

There are three types of suffering:

1)The suffering of change

This would include feeling happy then sad. We will have contaminated happiness.

2) The suffering that pervades condition phenomena

3) The suffering of suffering

Saying out loud that you are suffering. That is the suffering of suffering.

So that is day 14.
My big surprise will have to be postponed again till next week.
Today, when I was waiting outside of the house. When I rung the doorbell, the sound of the doorbell probably awakened some mosquitoes.

First, there was a duo of mosquitoes. I killed them in cold blood. Then, a massive swarm came. I killed most of them. Some of them managed to escape. Some were still alive as they fell out of my hands. I was in such a frenzy, I proceeded to step on their semi-motionless carcasses. I could not control myself.

I regret so badly. I feel so sorry for all the Aedes Mosquitoes I have murdered. I feel sorry for those families whose mothers were murdered. If mosquitoes had human-like feelings, which I believe they do, they would be mourning the deaths of their parent, their loving mother, who would risk their lives to absorb blood from people and potentially give people fatal diseases.

I hope that those I have killed would be guided by Lord Setrap and Lama Tsongkhapa through Bardo and have a human life where they can be able to learn the Dharma without any problems.

I can confess but their blood is still on me. The stains 0f the mosquito's blood would still be in my mind. I will most likely go to the lower realms as I have took the lives of many. I took the lives away from 26 mothers which most likely do have children that they struggle to feed.

Why I call all of the mosquitoes that I have killed a mother? This is not for a spiritual reason. Just to let you know. Because only female mosquitoes feed on human blood.

A picture of the type of mosquito that I murdered and regret murdering:

R.I.P 26 Aedes Mosquitoes

For the past few weeks, I have been pretty busy with my life and have not been able to post any new videos. Well, I am going to tell you that from now on, I will be posting more videos in my youtube channel.

This is just a short notice. Once again, sorry.
The big surprise will be postponed till next week. Sorry!
I have a massive surprise waiting for you guys on Monday. Try and Guess!!!!!

Tomorrow is Malaysia Day. A holiday that has never been celebrated until this year.

I do not really know what is Malaysia Day about and I am not really interested but just to show I am a bit patriotic about my country, I will copy paste the jalur gemilang song and link to a video.

Original lyrics

Merahmu bara semangat waja
Putihmu bersih budi pekerti
Kuning berdaulat payung negara
Biru perpaduan kami semua
Puncak dunia telah kautawan
Lautan luas telah kauredah
Membawa semangat jiwa Merdeka
Semarak jaya kami warganya
Empat belas melintang jalurnya
Semua negeri dalam Malaysia
Satu suara satu semangat
Itu sumpah warga berdaulat
Jalur Gemilang di bawah naunganmu
Jalur Gemilang kami semua bersatu
Perpaduan ketaatan
Amalan murni rakyat Malaysia
Jalur Gemilang megah kami terasa
Jalur Gemilang kibarkanlah wawasan
Merah, putih, biru, kuning
Jalur semangat kami semua
Berkibarlah!, berkibarlah!, berkibarlah!,
Jalur Gemilang!

[edit] English translation

Your Red represents steely will
Your White represents clean and kind character
Yellow of the Sovereign, the country's protector
Blue for all of us in unity
You have reached the heights of the world
You have traveled the wide waters
Bearing the spirit of Merdeka ('independence')
We are members of its successful will
Fourteen stripes across
For each of the states of Malaysia
One voice, one spirit
So its sovereign citizens solemnly swear
Jalur Gemilang, beneath your care
Jalur Gemilang, we unite
Sovereign unity
Malaysian citizens' good charity
Jalur Gemilang, how proud we feel
Jalur Gemilang, proclaim our vision
Red, white, blue, yellow
Are the stripes of our resolve
Flutter-on, flutter-on, flutter-on
Jalur Gemilang!
copied from

Thank you!

wtf photos videos - Sheep-Tastrophe

You see the picture above. What do you think? Please share your thoughts in the comment section below.

What I think.

I would visualize the car as a person such as myself. The sheep would represent all things that would be distracting me or upsetting me etc.

Even though, the car would be stuck driving against the current of sheep. The SHEEP WILL GO BY.

Nothing is permanent. Even emotions and such. I know this is a very abstract angle to view that picture. Well, I am quite an odd person myself.

Suffering is not permanent. You just make it seem as if though it is.

Thank you.

I most likely would not be a poet of any sort but I just thought of writing this. Do not blame me for any bad poetry skills.

The Guru is so great,
Learning from one would be the greatest fate.
The Buddhas are so kind,
Creating a beautiful treasure to find.
The Dharma is so wonderful,
It is a treasure so beautiful.
The Sangha are so wise,
They will help you rise.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I bet some people out there may not think it is good. But to me it is good enough. This is actually the first original poem that I composed.

Well, at least I am not telling you the days of the week like Rebecca Black. Oh, is that outdated. Never mind.

The thing that inspired this poem was this refuge prayer:

Namo Guru Beh,
Namo Buddhaya,
Namo Dharmaya,
Namo Sanghaya.

As you might have figured it out by now that I placed the Guru, Buddha, Dharma and Sangha top to bottom respectfully.

I hope you guys like it. May everyone have a good day!
The Kechara Tea House in Shanghai has finally been opened to the public. That is really cool.

Rinpoche posted an article on it on his blog:

The exterior was so mesmerizing. I think many people will be attracted to go and dine in the Tea House just through its exterior design. Then, I saw the images on its beautiful interior.

Pictured above is the exterior

I think that all of the designing were mostly due to Aunty Li Kheng.

This is another great feat of Kechara to spread two things. Buddhism and Vegetarianism. Now, people as far as China will be able to experience Dharma the Kechara Way.

I would like to say congratulations to Kechara Tea House. I hope that business will go well. I am sure it will because everything Kechara Tea House is doing is very meritorious and many people will benefit.

May the flower of Kechara continue to bloom,
May its Dharma spread far and wide!

For those who don't know, here is the address and info:

Red Town, G113, Building 28, 570 Huaihai (W) Road, Shanghai.
It is opened from 8am to 9.30pm
contact: +86 21 5237 1716.
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