Recently, I have got a part-time job with Comics Mart in Midvalley Megamall so I have something to do during the holidays. The job wasn't exactly high-paying but it was a job that I wanted to do and I enjoyed doing it. I started around mid-november and I had my last day today as I am going to go to Penang for the Christmas holidays.

Working at a comic and board game stall, this one, I have learned a lot of things, I have observed many things.

Firstly, I learned a bit about writing and people's preferences when it comes to comics. People like comics that have a relatable character. Nowadays, people do not wish to look for a story that has a god-like or omnipotent character that has no flaws. No. People want dark, gritty and realistic stories. Hence why Batman is currently more popular than Superman.

I ask some of the customers I deal with regarding their favourite heroes sometimes and when I ask about Superman, he isn't that popular due to him being too much of a boy scout and being too powerful.

Next, I learned how to communicate better. Normally, I do not socialize well with people because I am actually quite shy. Ever since I was young, if I were to come in contact with other humanoids, I will hide behind my mother and observe until I decide I am ready to talk. However, after I got this job, I learned to speak clearer and I got to talk a lot trying to convince people to purchase things and sometimes, some people just needed someone to talk to, even though they weren't buying much (Though I have to admit sometimes it was a waste of time).

Also, I have been able to feel the glorious taste of success. When I sell something and the money temporarily goes into my hands before going into the register, it feels wonderful because I have managed to sell something and helped someone make some money. I just can't put my finger on it but it just feels great.

Furthermore, I learned to ask for help when I need it. For example, if a task is too hard (Which rarely happened) or I was clueless as to what to do, I would simply ask.

Also, I have to really idolize my boss, Khai Hoong. He is extremely kind and very friendly. He keeps his customers close and his staff closer. We are not his workers but instead we are like a family. For example, for his future renovations, he asked me how things should be changes. No one asks me for my opinion. This sort of thing makes me feel included in the future for this shop while giving the information that he wants. It is a win-win situation. He gets the information he needs and I get the good feeling.

Furthermore, I have to admire his dedication for his shop. Whether sick or not, rain or shine, he will come and ensure the safety and fluidity of the shop. This shows that he is extremely dedicated in his shop.

He is extremely admirable and I would be like should I be an owner of a small enterprise in the future.

Also, my co-workers, Anthony, Fahimi, Daryl and Nurul, were very fun. I really like working with them because they make you feel like you are in a big family and we can laugh together and play games together. It was a wonderful experience. Especially playing Magic with some of them.

Comics Mart is a very cool shop if you are a fan of boardgames, comics and Magic: The Gathering (Which is my favourite game of all time by the way). The prices are relatively cheap in comparison with other stores around Malaysia and the games are very unique because they are not the mainstream games like Monopoly.

I really want to work with them again someday :D

I am thinking of doing reviews of the games on youtube if I have the time.

I guess that is all I have to say, so bye and Merry Christmas.
Earlier at school, my class watched a Chinese TV series called Dangerous Mind. Although it sounds like a "Criminal Minds" Chinese knock-off, it is a show that actually had a lot of substance and allowed me to think rather deeply.

The main theme of the show is that education is not determined by a certificate, exams or just good grades. People should not go to school just to get a piece of paper that tells you that you are an excellent student because that does not make you a great student. What makes a good student is the will to learn.

Another theme in the series is how one person can influence another and how influence can be a dangerous thing. This is completely true as most revolutions were started by the thoughts of one man, then those thoughts are spread quicker than Ebola.

I thought that the main theme is very applicable, especially in schools like mine. Teachers NEVER teach so that the students can learn and benefit from the teachings. The teachers just tell us which questions will probably be coming out in the exam and where to memorize the answer. Emphasis on memorize.

Furthermore, if you were to overhear the students in my school around the school year, they never ask, "What have you learned?". Instead, they ask, "What have you memorized?" This is very bad. Especially since after the exam, everything that was "memorized" does not remain in the head. They are temporarily stored until the end of the exam when they are dumped.

Thus, all students are just blindly memorizing. Sure, it will improve their memory but it does not teach them anything. This completely defeats the purpose of an education.

So, how can we fix this? Make classes more experiential instead of just reading from a book and copying textbooks. Instead of writing down how a scientific experiment works, do it! Instead of sitting down and read about the Islamic influence on our country's history, bring us to museums and teach us with the actual artifacts. Not only our memory of the topic will improve but we will also learn. Everything learned via an experiential method will be imprinted deeply in your mind, especially if the teacher makes it interesting for the students.

Let's take this theory into test with a normal situation. John went to the cinema 2 weeks ago, he still remembers it today because he enjoyed it and experienced it. But John also copied a page of text a week ago, he has no idea what he wrote about, because there was no experience, he was blindly copying.

In conclusion, if a student wants to have a good education, the student should not just be educated for the grades but the student should actually learn and imprint the knowledge in their minds. How? By experiencing the topic of study firsthand.
When we are born, we are naked. When we die, we are naked. When I say we are naked when we die, I am not referring to our clothes, I am referring to whatever we have strived to achieve in life.

When we are born, we start fresh and anew, we have no gains, no accomplishments, nothing in this life. We are just a baby fresh out a womb, soon to be taught the harshness of life.

After birth, we are taught basic knowledge to survive before going to more advance knowledge, ie School. We study for about 12 years and then we work, we go through a lot of suffering before we end up dropping dead.  Then, it continues on in our future lives. It is a vicious cycle. A cycle of birth and death.

However, there is a way out of this cycle, Enlightenment. Freedom from suffering and attachments. Eternal bliss fueled by compassion. Enlightenment, of course, is no easy feat. Thus, this is the goal we must strive to attain, not wealth or material gains. Those are all lost at the point of death.

When I say that we die naked, everything we once known to care for and treasure, our wealth is all stripped off us, except for one thing - our mind. Our mind remains with us even after death and our karma and merits follow suit.

Karma is like a shadow. You can't easily get rid of it. So, we must be detached from all material attachments and focus on clearing our negative karma and gain merits. This can be done by practising the Dharma and practising compassion (If you are not religious).

In conclusion, if you do not wish to die a meaningless life, put some meaning into your life through having unconditional care for others. Everything you would work hard for in this life is impermanent, it does not really exist. They are merely illusions. Your Buddha nature is the true nature of your mind. The naked body is your mind and in that body there is a Buddha.

Hello my fellow readers, here is a treasure trove of cute videos on my youtube channel.

The kitten in the video was called Mini and is now called Tara. She was taken care of by my household until she was adopted into a loving family.

This cat is Mani. I tried to see whether she would do anything cute for the video but she failed to impress me, hence the title.

This doggy is Yogi  (Mumu). He is H.E. Tsem Rinpoche's miniature schnauzer. Mumu is a very lovely and friendly dog. I like him a lot.

What happens when you mix a very butch dog and a very lazy one to play tug-of-war? This.

This very random thing happened to me at 6 in the morning. I could not resist sharing it.


Brush is super cute. I really like her. She is the first cat I ever got and she has been with me for the longest time.
Recently, I have been re-introduced to Magic: The Gathering. I was introduced to the game early in the year. Then, I stopped playing for a bit due to there being no one to play with. I was re-introduced to it again about a week ago by a very close friend of mine who also gave me some of his spare cards.

What is Magic: The Gathering? You ask? Well, each game represents a battle between mighty wizards, known as "planeswalkers", who employ spells, items, and creatures depicted on individual Magic cards to defeat their opponents. Although the original concept of the game drew heavily from the motifs of traditional fantasy role-playing games such as Dungeons & Dragons, the gameplay of Magic bears little similarity to pencil-and-paper adventure games, while having substantially more cards and more complex rules than many other card games.

The game is a fusion of both luck and skill. Luck in the sense that you have to draw the right cards or even be lucky when you buy booster packs. Skill in the sense that you need to be very analytical of your cards to ensure that they are played at their best.

Furthermore, Magic The Gathering is a rather cost-efficient game in comparison to other card games like Pokemon. Here is the comparison:


Furthermore, MTG has a larger fanbase than other card games. The age range for MTG is not all children but rather mostly adults.

Also, MTG improves decision making skills and social skills due to interaction with other players while playing.

I hope that one day, I will be able to master the game and go for tournaments. It will be very fun.

So, it was a Saturday night, I was planning to watch Kick-ass 2 with some friends but then the cinema wouldn't let an 8 year old see the movie. So, we settled for the only option within the timeframe which kids were allowed to watch, Percy Jackson and The Sea of Monsters (The other film we wanted to watch was Elysium but that was 18+ too).

The following review for the movie may be a bit incorrect as I went into the film with a very negative mindset due to negative reviews I have read. I honestly did not expect much from the movie, so I was rather surprised at what the movie offered. Also, I have not read the book so all my reviewing here is done purely as it is a movie and I would not deal with source material differences. Also to add on, I will be as cynical as possible for the readers amusement and if I have trouble finding this to nitpick about it shows how good film is and remember, this is all my interpretation. If there are any errors with my understanding of the plot, feel free to leave a comment in the comment section below.

Let me get into this sequel to another mildly underrated film.

The film starts off with bubbles, freaking bubbles, then it reveals it's title (that is seven syllables too long).

After the short opening sequence, we are given a little backstory on the shield of Camp Half-Blood (Does the director have to pay J.K. Rowling to use this?). Basically, Thalia (Not al-ghul), Annabeth , Luke (Not skywalker) and the satyr Grover are rushing to Camp Half-Blood, they are running away from a cyclops (This will become important in the film later.) Thalia dies and because she is the daughter of Zeus (The ONLY human one because Hera doesn't like a cheating hubby) and Zeus turns her into a tree which then turns into a shield for Camp Half-Blood (I'll just call it CHB from now on.)

After that, we are introduced to the main man, Percy Jackson as his good will causes him to lose a competition and we are shown Dionysus, who appears as the director of the camp, even though he is not in the first film whatsoever. He is cursed by Zeus as every glass of wine he pours turns into water. He makes a joke about Jesus Christ saying that by doing water into wine, "That's a real god!" We are also introduced to Clarisse, a person who is a BITCH! She is the typical mean girl that finds the error of her ways at the end cliche.

After the competition and after Percy cleans up the mess at the stadium, Chiron (Who looks at least 20 years older) calls Percy to Dionysus who introduces him (Percy) to his new half-brother, Tyson, a big, stumbling cyclops. Tyson is ugly and I am not saying that he is an ugly guy but the CG for his eye is rather disappointing.

So, Tyson is constantly ridiculed by the other campers, even as a child of Poseidon. Percy was treated like a god when everyone found out that he was the son of Poseidon (In the film but the book says otherwise). So, Tyson is the punching bag for Anti-Cyclops racism (Or is it considered speciesism?).

Suddenly, the Colchis Bull attacks CHB and Percy kills it and it is revealed that Luke has survived the first movie and now looks like Malfoy and a bond villain had a lovechild. Luke was revealed to be the one who poisoned the tree that grew out of Thalia. So, now Thalia is dying, the shield is falling and everybody is scared.

Clarisse and her satyr are sent to find The Golden Fleece. Percy decides to bring Annabeth, Grover and Tyson as he sneaks out of CHB to get the fleece.

The four of them go to a cab called the Chariot of Damnation, a NYC cab. Same difference. The taxi is driven by the Gray Sisters. They get interrogated regarding the prophecy which Percy plays a major role in. They use the same method in which Hercules did with the sister, holding their single eye hostage. I find that to be a nice nod to the story of Hercules/Heracles.

They get kicked out when they don't have any money. Tyson confuses the White House for Olympus (Even funnier as I just watched Olympus has fallen). Grover gets captured. 

They get back on track by contacting Hermes, Luke's father who works in the OPS which is a disguised UPS. 

Hermes helps the trio find their way (using a hippocampus) to Luke who had a yacht. They escaped from Luke and go to the Sea of Monsters, they get swallowed by the monster that guards the sea. Whoop, movie over? Nope. 

They find Clarisse and her crew of zombies, or dead confederate soldiers who swear their souls to Ares (As they prefer to be called). They escape. 

They arrive at CirceLand, Polyphemus's lair.Percy finds Grover and the five escape Polyphemus, retrieving the fleece and trapping him in his cave. Afterwards, Luke arrives and demands the fleece from Percy, who refuses. Luke shoots a crossbow at Percy, but Tyson takes the bolt in the chest before falling to the water below, much to Percy's shock.
Luke begins reviving Kronos as Percy laments over the loss of Tyson. The team then escapes captivity and a fight ensues. Percy grapples with Luke over the Fleece, but Luke easily gains the upper hand. Luke is suddenly thrown away by Tyson, revealed to have survived his wound, due to the water healing it, as he is Poseidon's son. The group however watches in horror as Kronos rises from the sarcophagus. Kronos consumes Luke and Grover, before battling Percy. Percy realizes that Riptide is the "cursed blade" of the prophecy, and slays Kronos with it, who regurgitates Grover and Luke, the latter landing in Polyphemus' Lair. The victory is short lived, however, as Annabeth is stabbed from behind by the Manticore, who is killed in turn by Clarisse and Grover. Annabeth dies in Percy's arms, but is resurrected by the Fleece. Percy then gives the fleece to Clarisse, and they return to Camp Half-Blood. Clarisse places the fleece on Thalia's tree. The group returns later to find Thalia alive, as the fleece "did its job too well" and returned her to human form. The film ends with Percy realizing that Thalia is a child of Zeus, and therefore is another possible child of the prophecy about either preserving or destroying Olympus.

That was the story, now here's are my reflections on the story. 

Firstly, I was surprised by how the story played through but there was too many characters and too many plot devices. 

Next, there were a lot of cliches. Lemme list down the cliches: 

  1. Guy loses competition due to good will. 
  2. Bitchy character learns her mistake and becomes good.
  3. Bad guy from previous film somehow returns.
  4. Big bad from this film betrays enemy ally. 
  5. Guy sacrifices himself for friends/brother.
  6. People think that a certain character is dead and the said character returns.
  7. Protagonists are not aware of things in the background which the audience can obviously notice.
Next, there is a part where Annabeth was dying and she mentions Elysium.. Pro tip for movies, do not name other movies in your movie (Intentionally or unintentionally). Wait it out until the movie is out of theatres before you release yours or release it earlier. People who watch Elysium will think it is better and tip for moviemakers, never put in the title of a movie better than yours.. 

Now, since this a children's movie, there are bound to be a crap-ton of things to be learned. Let me list them down in a numeric list for easy viewing.

  1. Blood is thicker than water as shown when Tyson sacrifices himself for his brother. 
  2. Looks are deceiving. Tyson's character revolves around this.
  3. Do not judge another person's race just because another of his race caused pain in your life.
  4. Do not be so prideful and egoistic, you will end up in a sea monster's belly. 
  5. Cross-dressing can save your life.
  6. Always carry enough money for long journeys.
  7. Have faith. 
  8. Forgive your parents for their neglect. 
  9. Parents love their children even if there is something hindering that love.
  10. If you need something, try asking. 
  11. If the thing you ask for doesn't come to you instantly, earn it.
  12. Do not piss off Zeus. 
So, in conclusion, I would give this movie a 6/10 for it's effort and things learned and proper CGI. 

See you soon! 

Recently, a few quite noteworthy people have passed away. I am not saying that all the other thousands who died over the past few weeks are not important but rather these few people that passed away recently struck a chord in my heart.

The first person who had an untimely demise is Cory Monteith. One of the lead actors of Glee. For a short time, I used to really like Glee, until I realised that the original songs were so much better than the glee-mix (Is that a thing?) and the songs got butchered and also I got bored with the constantly expanding story. But we are not here to talk about Glee, are we? We are going to talk about the recently deceased star, Cory.

According to the various news sources I have read, he died from a deadly combination of alcohol and heroin. When he passed away, people were really shocked and so was I, until I found out his cause of death. Don't call me cold-hearted but when I found out that he took his own life with drugs, whatever sliver of respect I had for him instantly diminished.

I used to admire his talent for singing (Despite butchering popular and classical songs) and his courage to pursue acting but taking drugs is a really bad way to go. From my sources, he even went to rehabilitation centers. Yet, he still overdoses. This disappoints me. Why is it that child stars tend to choose drugs over finding the true source of the problems, themselves.

Pressure can be one thing but pressure can be solved by looking within and finding the cause for your pressure and removing it. By taking drugs to ease suffering, it is like taking a bullet to the foot to cure a toothache. You solve nothing and instead, create another problem.

When I voiced out my opinion, I was surprised with the amount of fans he got, claiming that he was extremely inspirational and that I should respect him. Taking drugs and going to rehab does NOT make you inspirational and dying over very silly matters makes me have a hard time feeling any respect for him.

Furthermore, he, like all stars (Save for a few), does acting and music not only for his insatiable passion, but also his greed as acting is a career. Stars do not see fans as fans, they do not see fans as friends. They put on a guise to ensure that their "fans" will adore them. Their true view of their "fans" are numbers on a paycheck.

So, in conclusion, if you want to respect someone who passed away, you should respect someone who did something right in their life and actually inspired people. Which brings us onto our next dead celebrity, this time, it is a Youtube celebrity - Talia Castellano.

Talia Castellano was a youtube sensation as she gave make-up tutorials. She was quite young when she was diagnosed with cancer and with her remaining months of life, she pressed on with her dreams and inspired many people after appearing on The Ellen Show. She is one of the kinds of people I would respect as she decided to follow on with her passion despite the unfortunate circumstances. The circumstances were not created by herself and she had no control whatsoever.

She teaches me to continue living my life despite any obstacles that may come in my way. She is truly an inspiration to all. I truly hope that she had a lovely rebirth where she can be free from the torment that she suffered in this current life.

Despite concealing her face behind make-up, she still showed the world her beautiful heart and inspired many people to believe in themselves.

The final noteworthy dead person that passed away recently was one of the teachers in my school. Cikgu Rohaya. She passed away sadly at the age of 50 due to cancer.

I was only taught by her in Form 1 as she was having extra-classes after school. She was quite a good teacher despite being quite loud. She seemed to have a huge impact on the rest of my school as a lot of my schoolmates respect her, even if they do not approve of her teaching methods as she was extremely passionate when it came to ensuring the success of her students.

So, in conclusion, many people die every day. Our clock is always ticking. We must not assume that we will live forever and we must not assume that we will live long. Talia passed away when she was 13, Cory passed away when he was 34, Cikgu rohaya passed away at 50. We can die at any given time.

We must not waste our lives to trivial unnecessities. We should not waste our lives just enjoying ourselves. We should be spending our lives benefiting others. We should be holding the hands of people who never felt the warmth of love. We should be bowing our heads and showing respect to our seniors. We should be feeding those who do not have the ability to feed themselves. We must do all this before we die. Remember, the clock IS ticking. Tick tock, tick tock. Our life slowly crumbles away.
Hello everyone, about two weeks ago, I went to see a film that was highly grossing in cinemas in Malaysia. The film was called Pacific Rim. 

Warning: The following review is my own personal opinion. My views may or may not be like yours, the readers. Do not be aggravated if I like or dislike certain parts of the film.

Pacific Rim is essentially an action movie with a ton of monsters. At first glance, it seems like a combination of Transformers, Iron Man, Halo and Japanese Monster movies. However, upon watching the film, I have discovered the film is more like the Mazinger series and Transformer series had a Michael Bay lovechild. 

The movie starts off with some monologue from the main character, Rayleigh, explaining that world first encountered the kaiju when he was 15 years old during the year 2013. How ominous. Then, he goes on to explain a little bit of the backstory of the premise of the film. The basic idea of the film is that Kaijus are to be killed by Jaegers that are piloted by two people who drift (Fuse memories). Before going into a timeskip of 7 years after the initial attack. 

Rayleigh is the pilot of Gypsy Danger, a jaeger (Kaiju-Killing Robotic Badass) with his brother. They go out to fight a Kaiju called Knifehead. It's body and name seemingly giving a nod to the Gamera monster, Guiron. Which I think is kind of cute. The monster kills Rayleigh's brother and Rayleigh murders the little bastard. 

Then, the movie takes us to another premise, which was the "Wall of Life", a governmental project that aims to build a giant wall to stop the Kaiju from invading and this project discontinues funding for the jaeger project. (I was thinking about Shingeki No Kyojin when they were building the wall)

Honestly, I find this hilariously stupid as governments (Despite being mentally retarded) should not invest so much money, time and lives into building a thin wall that will be destroyed in the next scene. This just makes the government look dumb as hell. 

So, the leader of the jaeger program, now funded privately by some Russians, seeks Rayleigh. Rayleigh of course joins the team and is sent to the Shatterdome. The place where the jaegers are kept. We are given a brief introduction of each Jaeger but I wish there would have been more. We are also introduced to the pilots. An asian triplet team, two russian badasses, a father and his scumbag son. Kind of an army, ain't it. 

So, after a little bit of a sub-plot with Rayleigh's co-pilot Mako being all emotional and screamy, we are brought into the first real Kaiju battle after the one in the beginning of the film. Two Kaiju appear and that shocks everybody, despite the calculations being present earlier in the film saying that a double event will happen sooner or later. 

The Kaiju attack and murder the Russians and the Asians. GO AMERICA! as the white man saves the day again with the Aussies barely surviving. 

Then, the plot does not evolve much as there is only a sub-plot where Newton, a kaiju-fanatic/scientist is drifting with a Kaiju brain and the effects that happen afterwards. 

The main plot ends up becoming nuke the rift in the Pacific Ocean, which they do, ending up with the death of Kaiju, for now. 

So, what did I think about this movie?

I actually thought it was pretty good. The film had a lot of decent action scenes and CGI that is rendered well that would fully immersify viewers. The explosions were a bit like something that Michael Bay's creation but it was done in a way that the explosions were pretty necessary. 

The main problem with the film however, is it's constant plot holes. I found a short list on the Internet so I don't have to type so much.

Minor Plot Hole: So over all the years of knowing the inter-dimensional rift exists, no one has ever figured out how to send anything through to the other side until two scientists manage to techno-mind-meld with a Kaiju fetus and learn the rift only opens if you have Kaiju genetics with you. However, not only do the Shatterdome's communications and sensors still track Gipsy Danger when she falls through to the other side, but Raleigh's escape pod somehow makes it back through the rift alone.

Minor Plot Hole: So the Kaiju Leatherback sets off some kind of EMP that instantly knocks out all of the Shatterdome's electronics, communications, and even one of their super-expensive and super-high-tech Jaegers. But fortunately, the several dozen helicopters necessary to transport Gipsy Danger into battle are mysteriously unaffected.

Major Plot hole: So the world governments are retiring the Jaegers because they cost too much and the Kaiju are getting stronger and stronger, and instead their plan is to... build a huge-ass wall around the entire Pacific Ocean. Setting aside that this plan would almost certainly be way more ridiculously expensive than the Jaegers, how exactly is this a long-term solution? Are the world governments basically planning to just let the stronger and stronger Kaiju mass up in the Pacific and just hope their walls hold forever? Their plan is so stupid it almost feels like the movie's writers wanted to make it clear that Marshall Pentecost is the last competent person on the planet.

Plot contrivance: When a nuclear reactor melts down, it does not result in a nuclear explosion. Yes I know it’s a giant robot movie but nowhere in the premise of the movie is it clearly stated that nuclear reactions are different in Del Torro’s world. Hence – shut up.

Plot contrivance: Why pick up objects made of lesser metals to hit monsters with rather than punch them with your super rare-metal billion dollar alloyed fists? It’s like a 200 pounds muscle guy who decides to grab a bag of Cheetos and hit you with it as hard as he can instead of punching you directly in the face. Looks cool – still dumb.

Plot Contrivance: The beginning exposition makes it clear how important a close bond based on common memories is between the Jaeger pilots, and that this bond is extremely rare - so rare that having it is enough to overlook other obvious personal and professional flaws. The introduction to the original pilots reinforces this - pilot crews are brothers, triplets, father/son, and whatever the stereotypical scary Russians are. However, as soon as the plot requires Raleigh to have a new partner he apparently instantly forms an extremely rare instant life bond with Mako, who he knows nothing about except that she's hot. Plot hole, or subtle social commentary about gender politics? You decide.

Unaddressed Issue: To fight the Kaiju, humanity's best option was to build hugely expensive and resource-draining gigantic killer wrestling robots to beat them to death in hand-to-hand combat far off the coasts of major cities. Then, in the movie's ultimate fight, we also learn that apparently nuclear weapons are also pretty effective against level 4 Kaiju and lower. I mean, building gigantic super-robots is cool and everything, but why wouldn't the world's governments just nuke the hell out of the Kaiju as soon as they detected them in the middle of the Pacific Ocean? Are they worried about pollution or something?

Also, the acting ain't exactly that good with it's multiple B-list actors and the sounds were a bit too loud for my personal taste.

BUT! The film's action sequences were done so well that I only noticed its flaws after watching the film. So, in conclusion, this film is not bad. 

Results 75%

I also made a video reviews with some friends :D 

A week ago, I went to Kechara Forest Retreat and I was in awe when I saw the amount of development present. The last time I visited KFR was quite a while back and I did not get to see the complete form of the Dukkar Apartments.

The Dukkar Apartments truly blossomed into a beautiful lotus. The first time I saw the empty plot of land, honestly, I did not expect such a beautiful building to arise. Then again, this is what should be expected of the fusion of hard work of Kecharians and the compassion and guidance of His Eminence Tsem Rinpoche.

So, it was 7 a.m. in the morning when I woke up that day. Sock Wan kindly picked Beatrix, Edward and I up to start a day of good and healthy labour. It was an hours journey as usual and Edward managed to keep me awake by talking with me about various animes but eventually I fell asleep halfway through the journey.

When we reached Bentong town, we went to a coffee shop near an abandoned house that was built in the year 1923. The coffee shop had amazing Char Kuey Teow, though it was a bit overcooked. The shop was quite crowded and I guess that this is because if you are in a restaurant in a small town, they will always be crowded.

After fueled up with Char Kuey Teow and coffee, we went to the KFR compound and started to help Ajai, our lovely groundskeeper with gardening work.

Firstly, we were moving some pots around to make things neater for transport into other areas of KFR. The pots were quite heavy and some required two people to carry while some only required one person to carry. After moving the pots around, we were to remove some plants from their green plastic bags into a small black plastic bag, so that they can be planted in the future.

After digging up dirt and putting it in the black plastic bags and placing the plants in them, we moved more plants around but this time, they were smaller ones. We started out by carrying them by hand but eventually, we realised that it would have been more efficient to use a wheelbarrow which we did.

A few hours of moving later, we finished most of the plants and we went for a quick water and toilet break before finishing off the remainder. When we were finishing off the remainder, we discovered two leeches. I normally hate the idea of vectors sucking blood out of me but ever since Outward Bound School, leeches have not creeped me out too much. One leech ended up on my glove, so I simply asked Edward to pluck it off my glove and thank goodness, it didn't bite him :P

When we moved all the pots in the nursery to it's allocated areas, we went for a quick lunch at another coffee shop. This time, I had Wantan Noodles without the wantan (Meat dumpling) or the charsiew (Pork). It was quite well done and was made rather quickly despite there being so many people at the shop.

After our quick lunch, we went to Dukkar Apartments to clean the railings and mop the floor. The railings were quite easy to wipe as they were not really dusty but the tables in the main dining area was quite dusty.

The tables in the dining and kitchen area resembled that of a cafe with an LED sign saying, "Be the Light." on the wall. Most of the tables had a little flower vase and a small plant on it. The kitchen was well equipped and has a water dispenser that dispenses water so cold that the Arctic Ocean would be jealous and after a hot day, a glass of cold water is what was definitely needed.

So, in a three hour timeframe, we managed to clean up Dukkar Apartments and after all that cleaning, I felt extremely tired.

But by being tired for others is a virtue. When you work very hard for the benefit of others, good karma and merits arise. When you do so much for others, the work does not seem to be work and is something that you would want to do as often as you can while the opportunity is given. So, a sweat-filled day is a good day when in a Dharmic community.

I hope those who read this post will be encouraged to go and volunteer at Kechara Forest Retreat!

To be honest, I actually like exams. I mean, if you know your stuff and have double checked you can get some extra sleep. It is the only time in school when you are allowed to sleep. Sometimes, teachers encourage you to sleep.

My method of studying for exams was different this time (This time I actually spent hours studying). I read and re-read everything by translation rather than just reading the language on the text book. This came very helpful in subjects like Chinese History, Malay History, Geography and Economics.

By reading everything in English after translating the text in my head, it helps me learn better as I , personally, do not like any other language other than English because my lazy mind tells me it is strenuous. So, the solution would be to read everything in English, which I did. I ended up tricking my lazy self to do more and have better results by convincing myself that everything I am reading is in English.

Another helpful study tip that helped me, is that after translating to English, I imagine it is Morgan Freeman, Michael from Vsauce or any other intellectual in my memory teaching it to me. There is a theory that by teaching others you will be able to learn faster but since my consciousness is just using a different voice to teach myself, it gets in my head faster. I don't know how but it works, especially with Morgan Freeman's voice.

If you do not know how Morgan Freeman sounds like:

And Vsauce:

So.. I can't wait for my results I am sure I done better than my first exam :D
Yesterday, around 10 p.m., I followed Pastor Susan to Kechara Forest Retreat (KFR) . I believe I have posted about KFR in this blog prior to this blog post. So, I shall explain what KFR is in brief. KFR is a retreat in the forest and people may come here to do prayers and meditate when it is completed. There will also be a vegetarian restaurant (Yum!).

Since the last time I have written about KFR, a lot of progress has been achieved. There is now container cabins instead of tents for the workers to stay. The Enchanted Forest, which will be Rinpoche's residence, has been properly erected with a lovely garden. Manjushri Hill now has an office building in which the blog team and Rinpoche's writers will work.

Where was I? Ah yes, I followed Pastor Susan to KFR. On the way, we had an Egg McMuffin. I was surprised that the menu with the Egg McMuffin without the chicken roll still existed and was pretty happy.

When we arrived in Kechara Forest Retreat, the amount of difference shocked me (In a good way) a bit. The land looked like a combination of both man-made and natural. It was exceptionally beautiful.

So, I helped Pastor Susan carry some dog food that she brought from KL to KFR into Cucu's (Our groundskeeper's wife) residence. Pastor Susan was picking up a poor doggie who was very badly injured. Part of his face was missing as one of the more aggressive dogs assaulted him. The wound was unnoticed due to his fur covering the wound. When the wound was noticed, maggots had already started growing. He smelt like a decaying corpse. So, Pastor Susan brought him back to KL for immediate medical care.

After that, I went up to Manjushri Hill. After placing down my belongings on a randomly chosen desk, I followed Sarah to the garden behind the Enchanted Forest Ladrang Building. We picked up branches and leaves while wearing rubber gloves. My hands were literally soaked in sweat and after removing the gloves, they dripped my sweat. It was disgusting but due to the work completed it was satisfying.

During Lunchtime, Sarah and I went to this coffee shop in Bentong. I have forgotten the name of the coffee shop. I ordered a plate of fried rice and Sarah ordered some Hokkien Mee (The black sauce one). My knowledge of the Chinese language has been proven to be quite useful as the owners of the store were not really good with english. The food was not bad but it required a little more saltiness. So, I added some soya sauce.

After our little lunch break, we continued to pick up leaves and branches and we started sweeping the remaining leaves and wood chips on the path. It started to drizzle a bit. A few drops later, the rain stopped. We resumed work again. Then, lighting streaked across the sky and thunder rumbled amongst the clouds. Then, it started to pour. Everyone had to stop work and return to their respective workplaces.

So, Sarah and I went back up Manjushri Hill. I relocated myself to a table near Jean Mei of the Blog Team who gave me my assignments. Just when I was about to complete my assignments, everyone went out for dinner.

I, being the "Dory" I am, forgotten the name of the restaurant but I remember it was next to a pub and opposite a small-scale karaoke place. The food was not bad in comparison to our usual dinner place, "Mr. Crocodile". The food was extremely refreshing after a long hard day of work under the sun.

After dinner, which roughly ended at 10 o'clock, we returned to Manjushri Hill. I completed my assignments and went reading around the internet and tweeting some random quotes I thought up.

Around 12 p.m., I was extremely tired so I went to sleep in the boy's dorm in Manjushri Hill. I had to unfortunately inconvenience an already-sleeping Swee Keong as I had to sleep at the bottom bunk as I couldn't climb to the top and I was afraid I might kill the person below me in the event the bed collapses from my weight.

I fell asleep relatively fast. I woke up extremely early despite there being no alarm clock other than the snores of the others which I was fine with. I probably snored the loudest. LOL.

I woke up at 8 a.m. and I found my mother, another person who wakes up late when at home, at her desk working. I guess the surrounding nature gives us a natural alarm clock. So, I settled down with some cup noodles after popping my TRA pills (I will write a blog post about that soon) and leisurely browsed the Internet for a bit and doing some social media promotion.

When Jean Mei woke up, she gave me my next assignment which I completed a few hours prior to writing this blog post as I was completing other various commitments.

In conclusion, Manjusri Hill is lovely and people must come and see when KFR is fully built and lend a helping hand in terms of funds or strength to ensure the steadfast progress!
People, by nature, are quite animal-like. We tend to have inner demons that make us do bad things and do selfish things. If our mind, that has a Buddha nature, is a white cloth. Our inner demons, our selfishness, our greed, our lust, all those things are our stains. Is there a way to clean our stains? I shall tell you a story from the Lam Rim, one of the greatest texts of Tibetan Buddhism.

There was once a monk. He was very dull. No matter how hard he tried to study, he was unable to remember any mantras. If he were to remember the first half of the prayer, he would forget the second half and when he remembers the second half, he had already forgotten the first half.

One day, he was very sad as he was kicked out of his monastery. While walking sadly, he chanced upon the Buddha. The Buddha told him to sweep the monastery. Each time he swept the left half, the right half would be dirty and the same would happen if he were to sweep the right half. This was so he could slowly remove his negative karma.

Slowly, he managed to learn his first mantra, "Drupung Drimapung" which translates to "Abandon Dirt, Abandon Stain". He continually practiced and clearing his "Dirt" and "Stains".

We can abandon our own inner demons by letting go of what keeps them here. For example, if you think that you are lazy, then you should get off your butt and do something useful.

Here are 3 steps to remove your stains:

1. Identify Problem
2. Consult Friends
3. Solve it.

Very simple.

Earlier, I was talking with my mother about how there are people in other countries who are doing kind things for each other with no agenda. I thought they were called ARKs but I decided that the topic Faith in Humanity Restored would have been more appropriate as there are some acts that are not just random kindness but rather kindness without any agendas hidden behind it.

I think that it would be great for Malaysians to do kind things to strangers. Why? When you do kind things, it shows that you are a kind person. Kind people tend to find more friends and not only that, kind people tend to find REAL friends. Friends who will not abandon you when you run out of money but rather pick you up when you fall.

On a karmic level, being kind increases good karma and when you be kind with no agenda, it increases your merit and when your merit is increased your Dharma practices will flourish.

This is an example of  Faith in Humanity Restored posts.

You can find such posts on Memecenter  under the username Vlade. He is a very nice person and his posts on Memecenter are very nice and he is like me, an Anime fan :D He shares a lot of pictures about Anime too. So, check out his page!

I had a nightmare last night. I like to take note of these because the last time I had a nightmare was a year ago.

This is what happened. I was on my way to this building with Brandon Choy and Samantha Chan Xievern. The building was white on the outside and all TRON like on the inside with Black walls and coloured outlines. There were many doors. Sam told both of us to go through every door. So we did.

Each door had  a unique puzzle. Usually of pressing buttons or pressure plates on the ground. They all had beautiful effects. I felt as if I was in a videogame and that made me kind of happy.

What I did not notice was this out of place ticking of a grandfather clock. Tick Tock Tick Tock. Brandon was the first to notice it. Then, we all began to take note of it. We looked at our watches. All topsy turvy. I remember reading that you can't read in dreams from a guide of Lucid Dreaming on 9gag. So, I ignored it. And yes, you can call this a Lucid nightmare as I could control everything about my body. I felt as if I am in the dream but I could not alter anything.

After the 3rd puzzle, we ended up in this room. It was filled with Gachapons. We decided to skip the room as none of us had change. Then, the clock rang. Bong Bong Bong. Just as the clock rang, the room turned crimson red. There stood this creature, skin white, plump body and empty black eyes. He would just stand there. Brandon went up to that creature. The creature did nothing.

Then, he poked the creature. With one loud scream, he was devoured. So, I was stuck with Sam who was oddly not freaked out by what was happening. I knew it was a dream but I wanted out!

I asked Sam how to get out as she is part of the Dream and is supposed to be my ally. She told me to find a hole. So, I ran around the complex, begging for the clock to stop ticking and hoping that the clock will not strike the next hour.

It was then, I saw this tiny pothole. "Was this the hole she mentioned?" I was gonna ask then I noticed, she disappeared. I decided to jump. As I jumped, I felt warmth at the other side. I saw a meadow down the hole.

Then, I woke up. As I woke up, I saw black claws and arms dragging me down to my bed and I went back to sleep. This time, I saw the creature, right in front of me, he said, "Ah, Ah, Ah, Tsk Tsk Tsk." in a distorted creepy voice. Then, he said in the voice of a female child, "You have to sing me a song as you fall."

So, I sang. I sang a lullaby hoping to make this creepyass demon go to sleep. I fell and I fell and I landed, on my bed again.

Then, I wake up. Everything is in 2D. I shout, "F***" as loud as I can only seeing the censored words on a speech bubble. I realized I was in a comic. A freaking comic. I was so scared. I screamed as loud as I can. The scream became distorted and demonic laughter surrounded me. I scream so loud that no sound came out. Then, I woke up. In the real world, wondering what in the effing world did i dream about.
A great day to you all.. Today, I will be blogging about something that could be mildly controversial but I think I want to share it so... TOO BAD! The topic that I am gonna be writing about is as the title of this blog post dictates: "Hipsters". 

According to Wikipedia and it's multiple user-editable sources, Hipsters are described as:

 A subculture of young, recently settled urban middle class adults and older teenagers that appeared in the 1990s. The subculture is associated with independent music, a varied non-mainstream fashion sensibilityliberal or independent political views, alternative spirituality or atheism/agnosticism, and alternative lifestyles. " 

Essentially, a bunch of youths who are showing off their hormonal angst via not following popular trends or as they call it, "The Mainstream". 

I wonder what really is "The Mainstream"? From my understanding, it refers to popular trends or popular forms of music or political views. However, I have noticed that Hipsterism had already turned into a popular trend. Thus, being a hipster is being mainstream. Being normal is being hipster. I call this, "The Hipster Paradox". With paradox, I claim that all hipsters are fake and are not true to cause. They are now hypocrites. 

Another thing that makes modern hipsters hypocrites is the fact that by being different and going against "The Mainstream", they are actually allowing the mainstream to dictate their tastes in music, political views or even fashion. 

However, one does not simply hate hipsters that much. I am not really a person who likes to hate. I rather stay on neutral grounds. Now, I shall give some benefits of Hipsterism. 

Firstly, many hipsters are vegetarian due to eating meat being in the mainstream. This is actually quite good. They are unknowingly benefiting their own health and preventing the slaughter of many animals. I wish that they would be more active as a vegetarian by caring more for animals rather than just being vegetarian to sit outside of the norm. 

Next, hipsters are usually part of the richer parts of society and they provide a lot of economical benefit to hipster brands and in turn, improve the economy. 

So, from my neutral standpoint, those who wish to become hipsters can become hipsters but they should become one for the right reasons. If a hipster lifestyle is what you wish to live, I won't stop you but just remember the paradox. True hipsters are technically non-existent. All modern hipsters are technically posers :D  


Hello everyone, hope everyone had a good time since the previous blog post! Recently, I have finished reading the Elfen Lied manga series. I have to say it was an exceptional experience.

Firstly, I would like to give a brief mention of the person who recommended me this literary work of art. His name is Bradley. We became friends due to being in the same Buddhist center and being in the same Buddhist class. We frequently discuss not only Buddhism but also topics like Manga and Video Games.

Now, let me explain the storyline.

Elfen Lied takes place in KamakuraJapan, focusing on a new strain of the human race, Diclonius, similar to human beings with invisible arms called vectors but different at the genetic level and notable due to physical abnormalities, particularly a pair of short horn-like protrusions, that look like cat ears to me.  Lucy, a Diclonus, is the main character of the series: Initially held in a facility built for experimentation, located off the coast of Kamakura, she manages to escape and wreak havoc, but is injured in the process, an event which causes her to develop a secondary, childlike personality known as Nyu.
Lucy is found by two locals, Kohta, who studies at the local university, and his cousin Yuka. They take her in, and become involved with the numerous, often brutal, attempts to recapture her by a Special Assault Team and a number of other Diclonius, who shift frequently from oblivious to murderous.
Then, a brief insight into the multiple main characters.


The female lead characters of Elfen Lied, left to right: Mayu, Yuka, NyÅ«, Nana
Lucy, fifteen years old (around eighteen in the anime) and the central protagonist of the series. Lucy has vectors with a limited range of about two meters (7 ft). However, she can be swift and lethal within that range, and will use any nearby objects as high-velocity projectiles to kill at greater distances. She is also capable of stopping or deflecting most standard ammunition when she concentrates on the task.
Lucy hates humans mainly because of how she was alienated by her human peers as a child, several of whom she eventually killed after they captured a puppy which Lucy had been caring for and beat it to death in front of her. Consequently, she discounts non-diclonii, claiming they are not real people, to the point of telling Nana that she has "not killed anyone yet". She seems to lack empathy and kills without much concern as a usual first reaction, often killing on reflex. She is incredibly sadistic, severing limbs and blinding foes, leaving them to bleed to death rather than killing them outright. Despite this lack of concern for human life she will not harm Kouta, and cries and apologizes for killing his family in a fit of jealousy; she loves Kouta, but due to her actions in the past, she believes he will be content without her existence. As such, she refrains from killing in his presence, except at the series' end, when she kills an entire Special Assault Team unit in front of him. However, Lucy still is not above acts of jealously, once using her vectors to shove Yuka when she saw her holding hands with Kouta.
Kouta  is the main male character of the series and is first introduced when he arrives in Kanagawa Prefecture to attend college, having previously arranged to stay with his cousin Yuka while at school.
Kouta enters the story when Yuka's family gives him a closed-down restaurant, the Kaeda House, as long as he maintains it, and begins living there with Yuka while going to a university. Kouta has repressed traumatic memories of witnessing the deaths of his father and sister,[6] which is later revealed to have been by Lucy's hand, who acted out of jealousy. Due in part to his loss, Kouta is sympathetic towards girls in trouble and is extremely generous and protective to the girls around him, because he can relate to them and they remind him of his late younger sister, Kanae. He also, for the most part, forgets how close he and Yuka were as kids, while Yuka still loves him.
He first met Lucy in his childhood while his family was visiting Yuka's for the summer. When he goes to the mountain to draw, Lucy had just run away from the orphanage where she killed 4 children (her first murders). In the anime, he takes with him a music box he had recently purchased which played "Lilium" and strikes up a conversation with her when she apparently likes the song from the music box. He finds her horns fascinating and gives her a hat to cover them up while in public. He asks her if they could be friends and spends time with her, taking her to the zoo, telling her that he likes to look at the "weird animals." In Lucy's hallucination, she perceives this as a reason for why he was so nice to her. He lies to her about the gender of his cousin by saying that it is a boy so she would not be upset or jealous. When she finds out that he lied to her, she stows away onto his train and kills his family. Before she goes to kill Yuka, he tackles her and yells at her to stop killing people and she flees.
His repressed memories are triggered when Lucy uses her vectors to kill over a dozen soldiers in front of him. The reunion between Kouta and Lucy is vastly different, In the Manga, Lucy apologizes and Kouta has her promise to never kill again, but Kazuma shoots at her and Kouta steps in the way to protect her. As Lucy's body begins to melt, she uses her remaining powers to put Kouta's cells back together and save him. The entire Kaede inn family arrive as do the military, and Lucy, though extremely disfigured, begins to attack them. Kouta then fulfills the promise he made to Lucy as children, and kills her. Ten years later, Kouta and Yuka are married and subsequently name their daughter Nyuu.
In the Anime, Lucy assures Kouta that she can do so in just five years, but refuses to because that would mean his death. Kouta seems to understand that something truly horrible must have happened to shape her into a cold-blooded killer and, while still stating he couldn't bring himself to actually forgive her, he openly admits that he still loves her, then they kiss and hug passionately. Sometime later, Kouta along with the "family" of Kaede house, including Nana, settles down until the music box stops, a figure appears at the front door and the grandfather clock starts ticking.
Yuka  is Kouta's cousin, around his age, and moves in with him at the Kaede's inn. She has had feelings for Kouta since childhood, and she reacts jealously to Kouta's attention to NyÅ«. However, it is later shown that she is jealous of any girl, regardless of age, who she suspects may be close to Kouta, to the point of being irrational.
At one point he reciprocates the feelings, while Kouta and Yuka are searching for Nyu (after she escapes from the Professor's lab), they take shelter from the rain at the Sasuke Inari Shrine. While holding each other in an attempt to keep warm, Kouta apologizes for not remembering anything about the time they were together as kids, but states that he remembers that he liked her then and that he always liked her. The two then kiss, with Yuka even becoming sexually aroused, and promise to always be with each other. However, when they subsequently find Nyu, Kouta and Nyu share a long hug, and Yuka immediately becomes jealous again.
Mayu once described her as the "mother" at the inn, and Kouta as the "father". Yuka does possess a caring and mature side, and seems to be protective of both Nyū and Mayu, and later Nana. It is clear that Yuka cares for the girls deeply since she, like Kouta, is unable to turn away people who have been abandoned by their parents and society. However, in quite a few ways, she is a typical teenager, particularly when it comes to dealing with her feelings for Kouta and friendships with the girls who come to live with them.
In the last chapter she is shown rebuilding the inn with the others. Ten years later, Kouta and Yuka are married and subsequently name their daughter Nyu.
Mayu  is a young thirteen years old homeless girl. Mayu is first introduced when she arrives at the closed-down restaurant (then inhabited by Kouta, Yuka and Nyu) to return an umbrella she found at the beach. She is homeless and lives on the beach with a stray puppy that she calls Wanta, subsisting mostly on bread crusts from a nearby bakery.
During the fight between Lucy/Nyu and Nana, Mayu is slightly injured. When she awakens in the hospital, she has them call Kouta claiming he is a relative. Kouta and Yuka, pondering as to why she didn't call her real family (and already suspecting that Mayu may be homeless), ask her to stay for dinner at the Kaeda House. Mayu, deciding that the fight between Lucy/Nyu and Nana was simply a bad dream, develops a friendship with Nyu as they bathe together, and Mayu accepts an offer to spend the night. The next morning, Kouta and Yuka discover that Mayu is gone; she has left a note thanking them for their help but stating that she does not want to be a burden on anyone.
It is revealed that Mayu had endured molestation by her stepfather before she ran away from home. Her own mother would not protect her, because she was jealous of the attention Mayu was receiving from the stepfather. Mayu ran away from home, and upon arriving at the beach, she befriended Wanta, who was also alone.
Back in the present, Mayu and Wanta return to the beach, but Wanta's original owner arrives and takes him away, while rudely turning down Mayu's request to visit him because of her dirty clothing. Mayu tries to comfort herself with the thought that Wanta will at least be able to live in a safe home with plenty of food, but later breaks down and cries. Losing her only friend, Mayu is devastated and spends the night, which is her birthday, alone, trying to shelter herself from the rain and cold, while wishing that Wanta was with still with her.
In the manga, a police officer finds her huddled in a shack, she flees and goes back to the inn. Finding Kouta, Yuka and Nyu waiting for her, who then present Mayu with a small cake from the bakery — the woman at the bakery who provides Mayu with breadcrusts had saved it for her since it was her birthday. Mayu, surprised and happy at their compassion for her, becomes overwhelmed with emotions and begins to cry, Kouta then explains that she can stay at the inn as long as she helps out cleaning. Meanwhile, Wanta is seen eagerly waiting outside, having decided that he would rather be with Mayu then with his previous owner.
The above events are different in the anime; when two police officers find Mayu in the shack, she tries to run from them, but she bumps into Kouta, Yuka and Nyu who have spent all day searching for her. After telling the police that Mayu is family (much to Mayu's surprise), they return to the Kaeda inn, where they offer to let Mayu stay with them.
When Kouta and Yuka offer to become Mayu's guardians, her mother officially transfers Mayu into their care without a second thought. In both the manga and the anime, Kouta and Yuka comment about how strange it was that her mother was so eager to abandon her own daughter and why she never notified the police that Mayu was missing. However, they decide not to ask questions. The next time Mayu is seen, she is happy and smiling. She has enrolled in a nearby school, leaving each morning in her school uniform with a smile on her face (Kouta and Yuka are amazed at how much Mayu has cheered up). Wanta, who has been given a doghouse, also chooses to stay at the inn. Mayu helps around the house with chores whenever she can, and soon comes to view Kouta and Yuka as her parents and Nyu as a sister.
Later, Mayu meets up with Nana, and the two become friends. Mayu convinces Kouta and Yuka to let Nana stay at the house as well, despite Nana's initial hostility to Nyu (whom Nana recognizes as Lucy). Nana eventually opens up to Mayu and tells her the true story of the Diclonius, Lucy/Nyu, and her vectors. Mayu does everything she can to convince Nana that Nyu is not dangerous, still refusing to believe that Nyu and Lucy could possibly be the same person.
It appears that Mayu has feelings for Bando, when Bando "died" she took up cleaning the beach.
Nana is a young Silpelit girl, born from humans infected with the Diclonius virus, who has the physical appearance of being 12–14 years old. Nana's actual age is actually about 6 years old; it is explained that Silpelits age more rapidly than humans (or a "Queen Diclonius" like Lucy). Her name, 'Nana', is Japanese for the number seven, the number by which she was called at the research facility ("Nana" is also a fairly common female name in Japan). Most Diclonius babies are euthanized at birth in sweeps of hospital maternity wards, but Nana was one of a handful kept alive for use as a test subjects and has spent her entire life in the Diclonius research facility.[11]
Nana sees Kurama as her father, whom she calls "Papa," because she needed something to keep her from going insane during the torturous experimentation, believing that she is making him proud.[7] Kurama, in turn, sees her as his own daughter and cares very much for her. In an attempt to recapture Lucy, Kurama sent out Nana to find her (diclonii can telepathically sense each other) and as a present, gives her his tie, something which Nana had always wanted, which she wears as a bow to conceal her horns. Despite orders not to engage Lucy after locating her, Nana wanted to impress Kurama so she tried to capture Lucy herself. Lucy and Nana engaged in a brutal battle, but although Nana's vectors are longer, Lucy's more powerful vectors prove decisive. Kurama, along with a group of soldiers, arrive in time to stop Lucy before she can kill Nana, but not before Lucy uses her vectors to tear off Nana's arms and legs. Although Nana survives, Director General Kakuzawa's decides that she is no longer useful and orders Kurama to kill her. Although Kurama has terminated over a dozen diclionius babies while working for the institute, he defies the Director's order - providing Nana with prosthetic limbs that she can control with her vectors (a running gag is that they often fall off) and secretly setting her free with money to survive and a promise that they will be together again one day.
Nana initially feels alone and despondent, but becomes friends with Mayu. Mayu convinces Nana to come with her to the Kaeda inn, but this initially leads to a confrontation, when Nana sees Nyu (recognizing her as Lucy) and attacks her. After running away, Mayu follows her, and Nana reveals the whole truth about the vectors, Lucy/Nyu, and Kurama. Mayu convinces her stay at the Kaeda inn, while telling Kouta and Yuka that Nana only attacked Nyu because she was cranky from being hungry, and that like Nyu, Nana has no place to go because of her horns. Despite Nana's lingering fears about Nyu (whom she believes may become Lucy again), she tries to adjust to life at the house, although she refuses to tell Kouta and Yuka anything about the Diclonii and their vectors. At one point, after an argument, Nana briefly considers leaving out of anger, but after Kouta (using some reverse psychology) asks her where she will go, Nana quickly becomes emotional and breaks down; crying in Yuka's arms, Nana admits she is scared and doesn't know what she would do if she was alone again. As Yuka hugs Nana to comfort her, Kouta gently places his hand on her head, and welcomes her into their "family."
Unlike many other Diclonii, because Kurama treated her with kindness, Nana is not homicidal or sadistic, and has never used her vectors against humans. However, her fighting skills are extraordinary (she managed to almost defeat Mariko and her clones but was stopped by Kurama's presence). She also has the exclusive ability to temporarily disable another Diclonius' vectors by having her vectors go through their pineal gland. Although her vectors are superior to Lucy's in terms of range (5 meters to Lucy's 2, 16 ft to 7 ft) and certain abilities, she lacks Lucy's sheer strength and violent nature; Nana's empathy for others does not allow her to fight with as primal vigor to kill. While physically skilled and intuitive with her vectors, she loses many fights in the series solely because of her kind nature. With her vectors, she is later able to manipulate prosthetic arms and legs, and even throw them like a "rocket punch".
Nana can be seen as the exact opposite of Lucy. While Lucy's default personality is serious and cold, Nana's is friendly and kind; Lucy's split personality "Nyu" is similar to Nana's default while Nana sometimes goes into trances and acts cold like Lucy's default personality. Nana is in the middle of the spectrum of Lucy's split personalities: she's not as mature as Lucy, but more mature than Nyu. She is in fact extremely childish due to her young age.
Nana discovers Kurama, but he shuns her away at first, clinging to a dead body of one of the Mariko clones thinking it is his daughter. The surviving clone, Barbara, shows up and fights with Nana. When she is about to kill Nana, Kurama shoots the clone in the head and regains his sanity. At the series' end, Nana and Kurama are shown together visiting a grave marked "Kurama" and Kurama holding Mariko's ashes. Nana then reveals that they are now living together. Nana asks him to take her as his wife and begins crying, questioning whether Kurama wanted to "make babies with Nana", to which Kurama smiles and responds, "Why are you saying such silly things? Nana is my...", as the scene fades.
In the anime, after Kurama dies, Nana is devastated and almost gives up all hope for the future. When Lucy and Nana meet shortly afterward, Lucy tells Nana to do what she herself cannot: to return to the Kaede House and live happily with Kouta and the others, which Nana does.
Nozomi is a 15-17-year-old, soft-spoken and shy friend of Yuka (who does not appear in the anime). She has a psychological bladder problem because of her father's frequent physical abuse when she was a child for wanting to become a singer. As a result, she is constantly wearing diapers. Kouta first encounters her while walking to the store (not realizing they both know Yuka), and both are embarrassed when the wind blows her skirt up to reveal the diaper she is wearing underneath. They later meet at the inn and, upon recognizing Kouta, Nozomi rushes out into the garden. Thinking herself alone, Nozomi is found by Kouta—searching after her to apologize—while she is removing the very wet diaper she was wearing. Startled, she accidentally clutches the wet diaper to her chest, soaking her clothes. She reveals her poor self-esteem to Kouta, calling herself a coward and sharing her father's comments about her to Kouta. Despairing when she hears Yuka and the others approaching, Kouta saves her further embarrassment by pushing her into a nearbyreflection pool to hide the reason for her wet clothes. This earns Kouta Nozomi's trust and friendship, and she even prevents him from getting hit by an angry Yuka shortly thereafter.
Nozomi is revealed to have a great talent for singing. However, due to her father's physically abusive treatment because of her desire to sing—in addition to her family's strong opposition toward her musical education—Nozomi has no place to study and prepare for the difficult entrance exams for her musical education. Nozomi stays often with Yuka and Kouta so that she can prepare for the entrance exam, and later moves in with them after she passes and is accepted as a student. While she is extremely embarrassed at first about her friends discovering her need to wear diapers all the time, she eventually comes to trust her friends enough that she leaves off trying to hide her diapers or even the fact that she wets them. Nana notes later that year that Nozomi was familiar enough with the occupants of Kaeda inn that she eventually took to wearing just a diaper and a shirt short enough to leave her diaper fully exposed. This shows that her self-esteem was strengthened in the presence of her friends, and that she gained confidence as she grew to trust them more. Nozomi teaches Nyuu to sing "Elfenlied".

For now, i will keep the antagonists with me and just share my thoughts on the series itself.
Even though the series tends to have a lot of gore and nudity, it still is quite acceptable amongst the teenage audiences. There are a lot of key parts of the story which are kind of like what teenagers have to face while they are young. 
Being an outcast of society plays a massive role within this story, Lucy was outcast as she grew horns and started murdering people.  How she feels sad and angry as an outcast reflects how people on in the modern day feel that they are sad as an social outcast.
The ending for the manga made me tear up as Lucy witnesses Kohta being shot by Kurama and she loses it. She sacrifices her good side and summoned her vectors unto the world in rage and healed Kohta. As she lost control, Kohta was told to shoot her.. I freaking cried at that point as I was listening to Lillium during that part.  

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