Please be Kind!

We must be kind to all animals in all places.

Please be kind to me!

Animals are usually treated really badly around the world. I have seen many forms of abuse on animals from H.E. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche's Blog. Rinpoche posts many videos and shares a lot of information on the abuse they are suffering. Most of the time, animals are abused right in front of our eyes but we choose just not to notice it. I have seen animal abuse with my own eyes as I have previously mentioned in my blog. Animals do have feelings. They do have souls. They are sentient beings. They DO NOT deserve to have to go through all of these sufferings. I believe that they are already going through many hardships already as they are in the Animal realm (one of the three lower realms).

One person who I really admire when it comes to being kind to animals would be H.E. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche. He is my role model when it comes to being kind to animals because I have heard many things that he does for animals that normal people like me would not do. Rinpoche feeds animals on the streets of Malaysia without a second thought. Rinpoche also has an aviary that is a household of many cute tweety birds. He also has two turtles - Kadro and Menlha and two doggies - Yogi and Oser.

Rinpoche's greatest project that will be contributing to kindness towards animals would be -Kechara Animal Sanctuary. Here is the website:

When it comes up, I want to go there every week to help and play with all the little mumus.

I currently have many pets, these pets are giving me a great opportunity to be kind to animals. My Pets are:

1) Brush, she is the queen cat of the house.
2) Christmas, he is christmas because he can eat a lot just like how I would at an Xmas feast.
3) Dorje, named indestructible but he is mentally handicapped.
4) Puss puss, he adopted us upon coming to our house, he confuses my hand with a scratching post.
5) Tara, the timid queen of the house


Jannic, adopted guard dog, big but not deadly.
Lester, adopted dog, was burnt and abandoned, he is a tough cookie, his bark is worse than his bite.


Flop (deceased)

I guess I have a mini zoo!

I hope that Kechara Animal Sanctuary WILL GROW!

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  1. Yeah. Sean, I became a vegetarian at Rinpoche's request to help create the causes to manifest Kechara Animal Sanctuary. It was a good decision I think. I love animals. I haven't killed anything on purpose for a really long time like 3 years now? I trap spiders and throw them outside. Same for bees and flies. Hurting animals makes me think "Who's the real animal?" because when you hurt animals I know you are creating the causes to receive the same treatment. A part of me wants to punch them in the face, but that only stops them once. You have to try and educate them why they shouldn't do that, which is harder!

  2. Sean, I truly enjoy reading this post! I love the way you share how your pets are named.

    In particular, how Christmas got his name and how you mentioned Puss Puss adopted you all instead of the other way around.

    I guess, most of all are always of the mind set that we are doing an animal a huge favour when we adopt or take them home.

    We think just by giving the animals a roof over their heads and something to eat is good enough.

    We do not pause and think that perhaps the animals themselves present us an opportunity to practise more Dharma or just a chance to be more compassionate.

    After all, I am sure some of us were animals prior to this life and we might just become an animal once more in our next life if we are not too careful.

    Thank you for sharing so much and writing so well.

    You are quite amanzing for a 12 year old. Now, if you can keep it up for the next 10 or 20 years and learn more from Rinpoche and your mother, you'll be super fabulous!
