Continuing with my assignment

Today, I beaten up by a young kid who I don't know. Resulting it an arm that has a bruise on it and a hurt back from when he hit me to a chair knocking both the chair and me down and hurting my leg to internally.

Later, at the bus, I was laughed at because I'm fatherless and they also laughed at me when I told them what job I do.

Today, I had a very bad headache which still did not heal after two hours of sleep. The headache still hurts horribly :(

Well, in the good side today, the students managed to watch a video about a man with no arms and legs( but he has a small leg which he calls a "chicken drumstick") The name of the man is Nick Vujicic. He has a few motto's I will list them out :
  • I am special
  • Never ever give up
  • I am beautiful ( for girls)
  • I am the man ( for boys )
He also has two websites:
  • it was mentioned at the end of the video)
  • ( about his life )
Now I shall continue with writing Day 10 and Day 11 of the book " LIBERATION IN THE PALM OF YOUR HAND "

When we speak of small and medium scopes, we mean training the mind in the stages of the path shared with the small and medium scopes; we do not mean training the mind in the actual small and medium parts of the path. Suppose there are three people: one going to Tashi Lhuenpo, one to Rong, and one to Chusur. The first wants to go to Tashi Lhuenpo but must first share some of the road with the other two. The three have three different things in mind: two are traveling to either Rong or Chusur, and the first intends to continue on to Tashi Lhuenpo.

So, in the small- and medium-scope sections of the lamrim, you must focus on achieving buddhahood for the sake of sentient beings. Developing bodhichitta is the actual practice; the small- and medium-scope parts of the path are preliminaries to developing bodhichitta. You may be wondering, " In that case it must be sufficient to teach the great scope from the outset. I doubt that the so-called small and medium are needed."There are two reasons for discussing all three. There are people who cannot train their minds in the great scope initially , so they need to practice in stages through the small and medium scopes. This approach is more beneficial for people with good, mediocre, or inferior minds. Also, without some familiarity with the earlier parts of the path, you will have no renunciation at all in your mindstream, so you need to defeat any pride you may have about being a Mahayanist or follower of the secret tantras.

To develop boddhichitta, which is the actual practice, you need to develop such compassion that you simply cannot bear others being tormented by suffering. But in order to develop compassion, you must know exactly how you yourself is plagued by suffering. And you must understand that the whole of samsara is by nature suffering. But first you must fear the lower realms , for without this you will have no repudiation of celestial and human happiness. You must therefore train your mind in the small- and medium-scope parts of the path. This training is like the foundations and wall-supports of a house.

Well, I guess I will be writing up to here and I am getting tired already. This is the top of the page : 293.

I guess because I did not do my chores in before the time I'm supposed to do and did not do some chores at all, I will not have any dinner today.

Hope you like my blog.

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  1. I hope you're inspired by Nick and you have so much more than him so you should be able to achieve so much more, don't you think?

  2. yeah... I think so too :'( - crying with tears of happiness-

  3. You got a Bigger Dharma family, much more fortunate then other classmate. You got many father, mother, sister and brother..
