Continuing with my assignment (2)

Today, I was beaten up again in school. Resulting in another slightly bruised arm.

At school, all the Year six students had to dance until our arms and legs almost seemed broken as today, there was a big rehearsal for the graduation ceremony. But by as it seems, it is the headmaster's graduation ceremony. Why? Because he is forcing all the innocent Year 6 students who did not apply for the dancing to dance till they drop.Even though I applied for it, I think someone should stand up for the Year 6 students who did not volunteer for suffering. The way they train us is sometimes painful and hard because they scold us a lot when we don't get on stage on time or did not dance perfectly. I mean, no one is perfect!

After that, our hard work was kind of repaid. We had a mini"buffet" style "lunch" at 11.30 a.m.

Upon reaching home, I started to have some real lunch. After that, I done my prayers and my offerings and done my 100 prostrations. I had to do it without my pants as I found it easier for me to do my prostrations without my pants :)

After I had tuition, Kak Umi and I started decorating the Christmas Tree. We finished it already :)

Now I shall continue retyping Day 10 and 11 of the book : " LIBERATION IN THE PALM OF YOUR HANDS"

We have not yet achieved advanced results like previous practitioners.Je Milarepa trained in the common path under Marpa, and many of his songs are about his development of these realizations. And you need the lamrim to make the especially rapid progress promised by the secret tantras. This is the implication of the names the Easy Path and the Swift Path. That Milarepa achieved the unification in one lifetime was not due to tantra alone; he had already trained in the path of three scopes in formers lives. In one former life,for example, he was the Kadampa Chagtrichog, as said in the introduction to mind training.

Although people who embark on the secret tantras must have trained in the shared part of the path beforehand , we did not do this : we embarked on the secret tantras first , did not keep our tantric commitments, and thought we meditated on the two stages. They say that many such people will go to the Vajra Hell.

That was it for today. Hope you like my blog. I've got some secret text

Kechara House Rocks !
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1 comment:

  1. Good work Sean and thank you for sharing this precious teaching!
