Percy Jackson: The Sea of Monsters Review

So, it was a Saturday night, I was planning to watch Kick-ass 2 with some friends but then the cinema wouldn't let an 8 year old see the movie. So, we settled for the only option within the timeframe which kids were allowed to watch, Percy Jackson and The Sea of Monsters (The other film we wanted to watch was Elysium but that was 18+ too).

The following review for the movie may be a bit incorrect as I went into the film with a very negative mindset due to negative reviews I have read. I honestly did not expect much from the movie, so I was rather surprised at what the movie offered. Also, I have not read the book so all my reviewing here is done purely as it is a movie and I would not deal with source material differences. Also to add on, I will be as cynical as possible for the readers amusement and if I have trouble finding this to nitpick about it shows how good film is and remember, this is all my interpretation. If there are any errors with my understanding of the plot, feel free to leave a comment in the comment section below.

Let me get into this sequel to another mildly underrated film.

The film starts off with bubbles, freaking bubbles, then it reveals it's title (that is seven syllables too long).

After the short opening sequence, we are given a little backstory on the shield of Camp Half-Blood (Does the director have to pay J.K. Rowling to use this?). Basically, Thalia (Not al-ghul), Annabeth , Luke (Not skywalker) and the satyr Grover are rushing to Camp Half-Blood, they are running away from a cyclops (This will become important in the film later.) Thalia dies and because she is the daughter of Zeus (The ONLY human one because Hera doesn't like a cheating hubby) and Zeus turns her into a tree which then turns into a shield for Camp Half-Blood (I'll just call it CHB from now on.)

After that, we are introduced to the main man, Percy Jackson as his good will causes him to lose a competition and we are shown Dionysus, who appears as the director of the camp, even though he is not in the first film whatsoever. He is cursed by Zeus as every glass of wine he pours turns into water. He makes a joke about Jesus Christ saying that by doing water into wine, "That's a real god!" We are also introduced to Clarisse, a person who is a BITCH! She is the typical mean girl that finds the error of her ways at the end cliche.

After the competition and after Percy cleans up the mess at the stadium, Chiron (Who looks at least 20 years older) calls Percy to Dionysus who introduces him (Percy) to his new half-brother, Tyson, a big, stumbling cyclops. Tyson is ugly and I am not saying that he is an ugly guy but the CG for his eye is rather disappointing.

So, Tyson is constantly ridiculed by the other campers, even as a child of Poseidon. Percy was treated like a god when everyone found out that he was the son of Poseidon (In the film but the book says otherwise). So, Tyson is the punching bag for Anti-Cyclops racism (Or is it considered speciesism?).

Suddenly, the Colchis Bull attacks CHB and Percy kills it and it is revealed that Luke has survived the first movie and now looks like Malfoy and a bond villain had a lovechild. Luke was revealed to be the one who poisoned the tree that grew out of Thalia. So, now Thalia is dying, the shield is falling and everybody is scared.

Clarisse and her satyr are sent to find The Golden Fleece. Percy decides to bring Annabeth, Grover and Tyson as he sneaks out of CHB to get the fleece.

The four of them go to a cab called the Chariot of Damnation, a NYC cab. Same difference. The taxi is driven by the Gray Sisters. They get interrogated regarding the prophecy which Percy plays a major role in. They use the same method in which Hercules did with the sister, holding their single eye hostage. I find that to be a nice nod to the story of Hercules/Heracles.

They get kicked out when they don't have any money. Tyson confuses the White House for Olympus (Even funnier as I just watched Olympus has fallen). Grover gets captured. 

They get back on track by contacting Hermes, Luke's father who works in the OPS which is a disguised UPS. 

Hermes helps the trio find their way (using a hippocampus) to Luke who had a yacht. They escaped from Luke and go to the Sea of Monsters, they get swallowed by the monster that guards the sea. Whoop, movie over? Nope. 

They find Clarisse and her crew of zombies, or dead confederate soldiers who swear their souls to Ares (As they prefer to be called). They escape. 

They arrive at CirceLand, Polyphemus's lair.Percy finds Grover and the five escape Polyphemus, retrieving the fleece and trapping him in his cave. Afterwards, Luke arrives and demands the fleece from Percy, who refuses. Luke shoots a crossbow at Percy, but Tyson takes the bolt in the chest before falling to the water below, much to Percy's shock.
Luke begins reviving Kronos as Percy laments over the loss of Tyson. The team then escapes captivity and a fight ensues. Percy grapples with Luke over the Fleece, but Luke easily gains the upper hand. Luke is suddenly thrown away by Tyson, revealed to have survived his wound, due to the water healing it, as he is Poseidon's son. The group however watches in horror as Kronos rises from the sarcophagus. Kronos consumes Luke and Grover, before battling Percy. Percy realizes that Riptide is the "cursed blade" of the prophecy, and slays Kronos with it, who regurgitates Grover and Luke, the latter landing in Polyphemus' Lair. The victory is short lived, however, as Annabeth is stabbed from behind by the Manticore, who is killed in turn by Clarisse and Grover. Annabeth dies in Percy's arms, but is resurrected by the Fleece. Percy then gives the fleece to Clarisse, and they return to Camp Half-Blood. Clarisse places the fleece on Thalia's tree. The group returns later to find Thalia alive, as the fleece "did its job too well" and returned her to human form. The film ends with Percy realizing that Thalia is a child of Zeus, and therefore is another possible child of the prophecy about either preserving or destroying Olympus.

That was the story, now here's are my reflections on the story. 

Firstly, I was surprised by how the story played through but there was too many characters and too many plot devices. 

Next, there were a lot of cliches. Lemme list down the cliches: 

  1. Guy loses competition due to good will. 
  2. Bitchy character learns her mistake and becomes good.
  3. Bad guy from previous film somehow returns.
  4. Big bad from this film betrays enemy ally. 
  5. Guy sacrifices himself for friends/brother.
  6. People think that a certain character is dead and the said character returns.
  7. Protagonists are not aware of things in the background which the audience can obviously notice.
Next, there is a part where Annabeth was dying and she mentions Elysium.. Pro tip for movies, do not name other movies in your movie (Intentionally or unintentionally). Wait it out until the movie is out of theatres before you release yours or release it earlier. People who watch Elysium will think it is better and tip for moviemakers, never put in the title of a movie better than yours.. 

Now, since this a children's movie, there are bound to be a crap-ton of things to be learned. Let me list them down in a numeric list for easy viewing.

  1. Blood is thicker than water as shown when Tyson sacrifices himself for his brother. 
  2. Looks are deceiving. Tyson's character revolves around this.
  3. Do not judge another person's race just because another of his race caused pain in your life.
  4. Do not be so prideful and egoistic, you will end up in a sea monster's belly. 
  5. Cross-dressing can save your life.
  6. Always carry enough money for long journeys.
  7. Have faith. 
  8. Forgive your parents for their neglect. 
  9. Parents love their children even if there is something hindering that love.
  10. If you need something, try asking. 
  11. If the thing you ask for doesn't come to you instantly, earn it.
  12. Do not piss off Zeus. 
So, in conclusion, I would give this movie a 6/10 for it's effort and things learned and proper CGI. 

See you soon! 

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