Abandon Dirt, Abandon Stain

People, by nature, are quite animal-like. We tend to have inner demons that make us do bad things and do selfish things. If our mind, that has a Buddha nature, is a white cloth. Our inner demons, our selfishness, our greed, our lust, all those things are our stains. Is there a way to clean our stains? I shall tell you a story from the Lam Rim, one of the greatest texts of Tibetan Buddhism.

There was once a monk. He was very dull. No matter how hard he tried to study, he was unable to remember any mantras. If he were to remember the first half of the prayer, he would forget the second half and when he remembers the second half, he had already forgotten the first half.

One day, he was very sad as he was kicked out of his monastery. While walking sadly, he chanced upon the Buddha. The Buddha told him to sweep the monastery. Each time he swept the left half, the right half would be dirty and the same would happen if he were to sweep the right half. This was so he could slowly remove his negative karma.

Slowly, he managed to learn his first mantra, "Drupung Drimapung" which translates to "Abandon Dirt, Abandon Stain". He continually practiced and clearing his "Dirt" and "Stains".

We can abandon our own inner demons by letting go of what keeps them here. For example, if you think that you are lazy, then you should get off your butt and do something useful.

Here are 3 steps to remove your stains:

1. Identify Problem
2. Consult Friends
3. Solve it.

Very simple.

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