My time with Comics Mart

Recently, I have got a part-time job with Comics Mart in Midvalley Megamall so I have something to do during the holidays. The job wasn't exactly high-paying but it was a job that I wanted to do and I enjoyed doing it. I started around mid-november and I had my last day today as I am going to go to Penang for the Christmas holidays.

Working at a comic and board game stall, this one, I have learned a lot of things, I have observed many things.

Firstly, I learned a bit about writing and people's preferences when it comes to comics. People like comics that have a relatable character. Nowadays, people do not wish to look for a story that has a god-like or omnipotent character that has no flaws. No. People want dark, gritty and realistic stories. Hence why Batman is currently more popular than Superman.

I ask some of the customers I deal with regarding their favourite heroes sometimes and when I ask about Superman, he isn't that popular due to him being too much of a boy scout and being too powerful.

Next, I learned how to communicate better. Normally, I do not socialize well with people because I am actually quite shy. Ever since I was young, if I were to come in contact with other humanoids, I will hide behind my mother and observe until I decide I am ready to talk. However, after I got this job, I learned to speak clearer and I got to talk a lot trying to convince people to purchase things and sometimes, some people just needed someone to talk to, even though they weren't buying much (Though I have to admit sometimes it was a waste of time).

Also, I have been able to feel the glorious taste of success. When I sell something and the money temporarily goes into my hands before going into the register, it feels wonderful because I have managed to sell something and helped someone make some money. I just can't put my finger on it but it just feels great.

Furthermore, I learned to ask for help when I need it. For example, if a task is too hard (Which rarely happened) or I was clueless as to what to do, I would simply ask.

Also, I have to really idolize my boss, Khai Hoong. He is extremely kind and very friendly. He keeps his customers close and his staff closer. We are not his workers but instead we are like a family. For example, for his future renovations, he asked me how things should be changes. No one asks me for my opinion. This sort of thing makes me feel included in the future for this shop while giving the information that he wants. It is a win-win situation. He gets the information he needs and I get the good feeling.

Furthermore, I have to admire his dedication for his shop. Whether sick or not, rain or shine, he will come and ensure the safety and fluidity of the shop. This shows that he is extremely dedicated in his shop.

He is extremely admirable and I would be like should I be an owner of a small enterprise in the future.

Also, my co-workers, Anthony, Fahimi, Daryl and Nurul, were very fun. I really like working with them because they make you feel like you are in a big family and we can laugh together and play games together. It was a wonderful experience. Especially playing Magic with some of them.

Comics Mart is a very cool shop if you are a fan of boardgames, comics and Magic: The Gathering (Which is my favourite game of all time by the way). The prices are relatively cheap in comparison with other stores around Malaysia and the games are very unique because they are not the mainstream games like Monopoly.

I really want to work with them again someday :D

I am thinking of doing reviews of the games on youtube if I have the time.

I guess that is all I have to say, so bye and Merry Christmas.
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1 comment:

  1. Thank you. this is what candy001 and old magic posters has made you feel, huh?
    It was a pleasure having you with us.
    I look forward to seeing you back on duty, even as only working on weekends.

    Da boss
