Faith in Humanity Restored

Earlier, I was talking with my mother about how there are people in other countries who are doing kind things for each other with no agenda. I thought they were called ARKs but I decided that the topic Faith in Humanity Restored would have been more appropriate as there are some acts that are not just random kindness but rather kindness without any agendas hidden behind it.

I think that it would be great for Malaysians to do kind things to strangers. Why? When you do kind things, it shows that you are a kind person. Kind people tend to find more friends and not only that, kind people tend to find REAL friends. Friends who will not abandon you when you run out of money but rather pick you up when you fall.

On a karmic level, being kind increases good karma and when you be kind with no agenda, it increases your merit and when your merit is increased your Dharma practices will flourish.

This is an example of  Faith in Humanity Restored posts.

You can find such posts on Memecenter  under the username Vlade. He is a very nice person and his posts on Memecenter are very nice and he is like me, an Anime fan :D He shares a lot of pictures about Anime too. So, check out his page!

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