Exams are finally over..

To be honest, I actually like exams. I mean, if you know your stuff and have double checked you can get some extra sleep. It is the only time in school when you are allowed to sleep. Sometimes, teachers encourage you to sleep.

My method of studying for exams was different this time (This time I actually spent hours studying). I read and re-read everything by translation rather than just reading the language on the text book. This came very helpful in subjects like Chinese History, Malay History, Geography and Economics.

By reading everything in English after translating the text in my head, it helps me learn better as I , personally, do not like any other language other than English because my lazy mind tells me it is strenuous. So, the solution would be to read everything in English, which I did. I ended up tricking my lazy self to do more and have better results by convincing myself that everything I am reading is in English.

Another helpful study tip that helped me, is that after translating to English, I imagine it is Morgan Freeman, Michael from Vsauce or any other intellectual in my memory teaching it to me. There is a theory that by teaching others you will be able to learn faster but since my consciousness is just using a different voice to teach myself, it gets in my head faster. I don't know how but it works, especially with Morgan Freeman's voice.

If you do not know how Morgan Freeman sounds like:

And Vsauce:

So.. I can't wait for my results I am sure I done better than my first exam :D
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