
Recently, a few quite noteworthy people have passed away. I am not saying that all the other thousands who died over the past few weeks are not important but rather these few people that passed away recently struck a chord in my heart.

The first person who had an untimely demise is Cory Monteith. One of the lead actors of Glee. For a short time, I used to really like Glee, until I realised that the original songs were so much better than the glee-mix (Is that a thing?) and the songs got butchered and also I got bored with the constantly expanding story. But we are not here to talk about Glee, are we? We are going to talk about the recently deceased star, Cory.

According to the various news sources I have read, he died from a deadly combination of alcohol and heroin. When he passed away, people were really shocked and so was I, until I found out his cause of death. Don't call me cold-hearted but when I found out that he took his own life with drugs, whatever sliver of respect I had for him instantly diminished.

I used to admire his talent for singing (Despite butchering popular and classical songs) and his courage to pursue acting but taking drugs is a really bad way to go. From my sources, he even went to rehabilitation centers. Yet, he still overdoses. This disappoints me. Why is it that child stars tend to choose drugs over finding the true source of the problems, themselves.

Pressure can be one thing but pressure can be solved by looking within and finding the cause for your pressure and removing it. By taking drugs to ease suffering, it is like taking a bullet to the foot to cure a toothache. You solve nothing and instead, create another problem.

When I voiced out my opinion, I was surprised with the amount of fans he got, claiming that he was extremely inspirational and that I should respect him. Taking drugs and going to rehab does NOT make you inspirational and dying over very silly matters makes me have a hard time feeling any respect for him.

Furthermore, he, like all stars (Save for a few), does acting and music not only for his insatiable passion, but also his greed as acting is a career. Stars do not see fans as fans, they do not see fans as friends. They put on a guise to ensure that their "fans" will adore them. Their true view of their "fans" are numbers on a paycheck.

So, in conclusion, if you want to respect someone who passed away, you should respect someone who did something right in their life and actually inspired people. Which brings us onto our next dead celebrity, this time, it is a Youtube celebrity - Talia Castellano.

Talia Castellano was a youtube sensation as she gave make-up tutorials. She was quite young when she was diagnosed with cancer and with her remaining months of life, she pressed on with her dreams and inspired many people after appearing on The Ellen Show. She is one of the kinds of people I would respect as she decided to follow on with her passion despite the unfortunate circumstances. The circumstances were not created by herself and she had no control whatsoever.

She teaches me to continue living my life despite any obstacles that may come in my way. She is truly an inspiration to all. I truly hope that she had a lovely rebirth where she can be free from the torment that she suffered in this current life.

Despite concealing her face behind make-up, she still showed the world her beautiful heart and inspired many people to believe in themselves.

The final noteworthy dead person that passed away recently was one of the teachers in my school. Cikgu Rohaya. She passed away sadly at the age of 50 due to cancer.

I was only taught by her in Form 1 as she was having extra-classes after school. She was quite a good teacher despite being quite loud. She seemed to have a huge impact on the rest of my school as a lot of my schoolmates respect her, even if they do not approve of her teaching methods as she was extremely passionate when it came to ensuring the success of her students.

So, in conclusion, many people die every day. Our clock is always ticking. We must not assume that we will live forever and we must not assume that we will live long. Talia passed away when she was 13, Cory passed away when he was 34, Cikgu rohaya passed away at 50. We can die at any given time.

We must not waste our lives to trivial unnecessities. We should not waste our lives just enjoying ourselves. We should be spending our lives benefiting others. We should be holding the hands of people who never felt the warmth of love. We should be bowing our heads and showing respect to our seniors. We should be feeding those who do not have the ability to feed themselves. We must do all this before we die. Remember, the clock IS ticking. Tick tock, tick tock. Our life slowly crumbles away.
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1 comment:

  1. Hi Sean

    Thanks for writing this. I hope your Dharma practice is going well.
