Mac vs PC

There has been a battle between Mac and PC. I will share the differences between the Mac and PC. Lets analyze every factor that is important within a computer.

(I am writing about the Desktops)

1. Speed

Mac: Very fast in browser opening speed, faster internet, faster booting up.

PC: Slow in browser opening speed, slower internet, slow booting up.

One point for Mac.

2. Weakness against viruses

Mac: Minimal. The bad part is you cannot buy pirated software.

PC: Maximal. The good part is that you can buy pirated software.

One point for Mac.

3. Looks

Mac: Very snazzy and cool. It really improves at a monumental rate each time there is a new model.

PC: Very big and Bulky. New models remind me of the old Macintosh.

One point for Mac.

4. Size of computer

Mac: Most models these days do not even have an external CPU anymore. Easier for transport if you are movie house or bringing your Mac to a workshop or to your office. One power cable is enough.

PC: Heavy external CPU. Not good for transport. Too many wires.

One Point for Mac.


Of course, the Mac.

What can be worse than a PC?

The answer would be a Mac running on Windows. All of the PC's bad qualities will be inputed into the sleek design of the Mac.
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  1. Nice blog Sean and I think you are right.

  2. As I am a Graphic Designer and web designer I await the day when I can afford a Mac....Great article> Keep up the good work - I just took refuge with Rinpoche in November My Dharma Name is Tenzin Samdrub...Namaste to you Sean/Tenzin Khenchen

  3. Haha! I love blogs like this. Do you know what a PC is? A (P)ersonal (C)omputer. You friggin' tool, a Mac IS A Personal Computer! I think that what you are referring to is Macintosh vs. Windows - which are OPERATING SYSTEMS. Macs are very user friendly, but limited in their capabilities. A lot harder to hack into servers on a Mac, not many games for Mac, Mac has very limited selections when it comes to programs (Hmmm, do I go with Final Cut PRO or Final Cut Express?) On Windows you got Adobe Premiere, AVID, Sony Vegas - shall I keep going? And one more thing, you tool...Go to ABOUT MY COMPUTER and check the name of your processor (assuming you have a newer Mac) IT'S A FRIGGIN' INTEL PROCESSOR! Intel was originally a PC/Windows manufacturer. You're biased and your blog is shite. Lern2Jurnalist dummy.

  4. Thanks for you great feedback Mr.Toliver-Lyons. A namaste to you too.

    @Anonymous Thanks for the feedback. I am quite young so I am not as good as you when it comes to Journalism as I am new to the writing scene. I am sorry if this post might have offended you in any way but thanks for the advice. If I will ever right something like this, I will take your advice and do more research. Thanks anyways. Have a nice day :)

  5. certainly do more research, I am currently torn between a Windows based pc and a Mac and I can not decide. Your blog post didn't help. Windows based is cheaper, and more powerful usually. Mac based, has that operating system that I want to try, but I've had a bad experience with Ubuntu, and think I may be too used to Windows. Decisions, decisions
