Anger is unnecessary

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The most greatest offering you can give to your Lama would be a mind transformed. I am still working on it but I will be transformed in my mind very quickly.

One of my biggest problems is my anger. That is what I am looking forward to change as I usually get angry over small things and blame others for what I feel.

When I am angry, I would usually have a big fit and I would mess up my room. The effect of my anger it that it would worry others or make them sad as it shows that I am really selfish.

Anger is really unnecessary. I used to think that I am hurt because someone else is hurting me but actually it is me who is hurting myself as I am the one creating the causes. When people scold me I now understand that it is because they are right and I have done wrong. Previously, I would think that it is just people being mean to me.

I would be creating the causes to be hurt when I ignore my responsibilities and when I get scolded for neglecting my responsibilities, I get angry.

All emotions are FAKE. They are non-existent. They are not real. That is why there is actually no point in getting angry as when you get angry, it would just pass by. It is like the sound of the clap of our hands. It appears from nowhere and goes nowhere. So, there would be no point at all when you get angry over something.

I will change by not being so selfish. I will also control my anger as much as I can so I can stop anything bad to happen from the result of my selfishness.
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