Birthday weekend

I had a lovely birthday.

In the morning, I went to La Bodega for breakfast. I had a big breakfast.

After that, I went to the Kechara Paradise Stock Party. I managed to make a few sales to some people. Most of them were Kecharians.

I had bought a book and a Heruka Cakrasamvara statue for Rinpoche as there is a new Kecharian tradition. That is to give a gift to your Lama on your birthday.

It is very good to do Dharma work on your birthday as it is a special day to you and you will earn more merit.

After that, I went to Kechara Oasis to have dinner. The dinner was very nice. I ordered a cake from Ladrang. It was made by Uncle Justin. It tasted very nice. I really liked it.

I got a lot of Ang Paos for KMP. Once I reached home, I counted them. I raised a total of RM 1070.

I am donating to KMP so that Rinpoche's teachings may spread further so that Lama Tsongkhapa's lineage will be spread and people will have a chance to become enlightened.

From the rest of the Aunties I received a PSP. I was so happy upon receiving that gift I nearly cried in joy but I controlled myself. The PSP was confiscated yesterday as I was irresponsible and did not give water to my dogs.

Yesterday, I helped to save a dog with scabies and I finally seen something through a microscope. Whenever I look in a microscope, I do not usually see anything but yestertday I finally did.

The dog was given the name ------ Gastone. I think it is a very cute name.

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1 comment:

  1. Hello Sean,
    I am so proud of you and happy for you to have found the Dharma as a young boy. Your atar is lovely. I saw the video. I live in Texas USA and my Heart Guru is Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche, who Tsem Tulku Rinpoche knows and has made many offerings to my Rinpoche. Ask him, he will tell you about all the wonderful things Lama Zopa Rinpoche is doing in FPMT. (Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition). I love your fish on this blog! Very nice. Make sure you give your dogs water and get your PSP back soon. Also, thank you so much for being brave enough to go out and rescue animals. My Guru says animals are the same as us, just a different shape.

    Warm regards,
    Victoria Rainone
