Sad News

These few days have been quite bad.

My exams were bad. This was the first time I got a C in math ( one of my best subjects previously ) in my whole life. It only became bad when I entered this school.

Mama says that exams just shows my effort. I guess I have to study harder. I have to study real hard because the exams are very hard.

My friend got 48 out of 50 for his english. I rejoice for him. In life, we must rejoice for others if they get good and never be jealous. I am in a state of hysteria for my other exams.

I just read that one of Mama's friends died. May him rest in peace. Death will come to everyone eventually. Om mani padme hum.

The person in my class who usually bothers me doesn't any more. I am happy about that.
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  1. Sean, you are such a clever and wise guy. I am sure with continued effort and practice you will achieve a better grade than C for Maths, because you have done well for the rest of your other exams. Things do not go bad or worse because we went into a new school or a new office or even a new home. It is how we work at it and how we look at life and all its wonders. Some days might be challenging, and other days, it is like a holiday. Such is Samsara. What should not change is your belief in yourself and your positive attitude. Rinpoche always say, "Never say that you can't, because it is not the real you talking." You have faith in Rinpoche, right? I do and I have faith in you too. Keep going, keep trying and don't ever ever give up. Every day is a wonderful day to learn new things. Hugs and Love.

  2. yes Sean - and a lot of it was due to carelessness. There's nothing to say that i haven't said already, so please buck up and don't let me have to repeat and repeat. You don't like it and neither do i. Please be mindful.
