Happiness is only temporary

Happiness is impermanent because when you want to get something that another person has then you get it, you will be happy. The only problem is your happiness will only last for a very short time. Why? It is because you end up knowing : " Oh, somebody else done it, so what is so special about that? "

When a person has a lot of money, the become happy, but later, they become very scared because they are worried that they would lose all their fortune. In short, "HAPPINESS" CAN CAUSE SUFFERING. So called "happiness" is happiness that will end up in sorrow.

So, if you do not want to feel suffering of "happiness" which involves money, you can donate it to charities, churches,temples or any other place that needs money to help out the much less fortunate people.

This blog is just to make sure that people that are going to have "happiness" better do something good about it :)
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  1. So what is permanent happiness? :) Maybe you can blog about what you think will bring permanent happiness next :)


  2. Great blog Tenzin Khenchen!
    I like this blog about happiness - do share with us what you would do if you had great happiness and how you would share it with the world!
