
Today, I am going to be writing about Anger. How anger is a poison and how to prevent anger will be the main two topics in the post.

Firstly, I would like to mention that I am not a person who is constantly angry and if anyone is capable of making me angry, they possibly caused the coming of Satan to arrive a few millennia early. I am just kidding. However, when I was a young kid, I was normal, I did have my temper tantrums. The only one I remember though is when I wanted a bubble bath and my mother denied me of that experience. So, I got angry and began to bawl and do what normal angry little brats do. Then, she just left me outside of the store. She left me there until I was calm enough to go in. No harsh scoldings but rather an insightful truth. When you are angry, it will attract a lot of attention at first and people will tend to you but after a while, people will just distance themselves from you.  Ever since that day, any temper tantrums I had were very minor and now they have stopped completely. 

First, let me talk about how anger can be a poison. When you are angry, especially when you are a drama queen, that anger tends to ruin the day. Let's say someone cuts you off on the road and flips you the bird while doing so and they do it around 8 a.m. in the morning. You will most probably feel pissed off and hope that guy drives in a ditch. However, if you continually think about that person throughout the day then it is a sign that your anger is getting out of control. As it slowly gets out of control, it becomes a poison. You will begin to yell at others about the smallest of problems and end up making yourself look like a bad person.

Also, according to the Buddhistic law of Karma, the law of cause and effect. By being angry, you will also be creating the causes for more aggravating things to happen in the near future and you will be opening the previous negative karma from the last time you were angry. 

On a scientific level, anger can cause multiple ailments. The ailments would include:

  • Harming the liver due to secretion of catecholamine
  • Splotches on the skin
  • Hastened Aging
  • Gastric Ulcers
  • Myocardial ischemia
  • hyperthyroidism
  • Harming the Lungs
  • Damage of Immune system

Now, I will explain how to stop anger from arising. Firstly, you could take up a religion that promotes love and care. If you do not wish to participate in a religion, you can also follow the philosophical laws that promote altruism.

Another very simple way is to do this minor meditation which will relax your entire body. I will explain step by step.

Here is what you need to prepare:

  • Scented Candles
  • Sweet Smelling Incense 
  • A comfy chair
  • A pillow
  • A radio
  • An audio file about nature (Any peaceful nature sounds are fine)
  • A comfortable room 
Here is how to do the meditation:

  1. Light the candles and burn the incense
  2. Turn on the nature sounds
  3. Hug your pillow, close your eyes and sit up straight
  4. Breathe quickly for 5 breaths
  5. Breathe slowly for 5 breaths
  6. While listening to the sounds of nature, breath in and out normally
  7. Imagine that the anger and stress of the day is dispersing in the form of black dust from different parts of your body when you exhale and when you inhale, light, symbolising hope and love enters your body
  8. Start with the crown of your head
  9. Move to your shoulders and feel that you are freed from the burdens that weigh you down
  10. Let your arms rest 
  11. Let your feet rest from its busy day of walking 
  12. Breathe in and breath out 
  13. Tell yourself that you have done good today. Give yourself an applause
  14. Tell yourself that by being angry you will hurt people who love you and by not being angry you will make people love you more
  15. Congratulate yourself again on keeping your cool
  16. Stay in that state for the next 5 minutes
  17. Relax and you are done! 
So, that is pretty much it! Hope you enjoyed reading! 

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