Holiday times

Lately I have been having a lot of fun.

A band from Kuantan arrived at Kechara Care to sing. I thought they sang very well even though I could not understand a single word they were singing as they were all in Cantonese.

I think that what they are doing is very good as they are contributing towards the Dharma in a way. I helped to carry the donation box around.

Uncle Theirry taught Mama, Aunty Susan, Aunty Shin, Aunty Jamie and I some sort of breathing exercise called Boteyko Breathing.

Here is a link on a more explainable area as I can't really tell anyone how it works.

That is about it for today.

I have just changed some parts of my blog.
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1 comment:

  1. hi sean.. i like the fish on the left of your blog :)
