Sorcerer's Apprentice

Today, I went to Mid Valley to a movie called, "The Sorcerer's Apprentice"

The movie was made by the world famous Disney. It stars a familiar face as the Sorcerer, Nicholas Cage.

The story revolves around a boy who actually is a heir to the blood of Merlin, the great wizard of Camelot.

It starts when the main character, David, is 10 years old. He ends up finding himself in a shop were he meets a man who gave him a ring that will help him to destroy a future threat for mankind, Morgana.

You will have to watch the rest of the movie to get the full story.

I liked the movie as it had great special effects. An example of that would be that the characters are always conjuring and hurling greatly animated lightning bolts at each other.

This movie blends Science with Magic. I learned a bit of physics from the movie. Molecules need to vibrate to become combustive. That is one of the ways to do the magic. As the sorcerers can move the molecules so that the molecules can do anything illogical by human standards such as the classic thing with Disney's Fantasia, bringing mops to life!

This movie will be good for all ages, young or old. I hope many will enjoy it!
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