Exam Week

These days are the exams days, the scariest days of the year. As students are unsure what they will get even if they do study.

I actually studied harder for the exams this time. It felt slightly easier than the exams preceding these ones.

Yesterday, Rinpoche gave a talk on many things and basically what we can accomplish if we want to.

We should set a good motivation in the morning by thinking, "I CAN!I CAN!I CAN!I CAN!" then the karma will open up so that we can.

There are two types of Karma, Bad or Good. They are dormant. They rest for years, waiting for their moment to open up. The way they open up is through thought. THOUGHTS CONTROL EVERYTHING!!!

That was basically what really stood out in my mind.

So, this morning, I forgave one person who caused so much trouble in my life and blames me for all the bad things happening to him. He did not forgive me but at least I got that of my chest.
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  1. Dear Sean

    I'm very proud of you that you can find in your heart to forgive. It's not easy but you did it. It shows you understand the benefits of forgiving..thus will be a happier person.

  2. That is really cool that you have the courage and strength of forgiveness even before your 15 years old. It can be really hard. I'm still working on letting others have the victory and accepting the defeat.
