Attacked by mosquitos

Today, when I was waiting outside of the house. When I rung the doorbell, the sound of the doorbell probably awakened some mosquitoes.

First, there was a duo of mosquitoes. I killed them in cold blood. Then, a massive swarm came. I killed most of them. Some of them managed to escape. Some were still alive as they fell out of my hands. I was in such a frenzy, I proceeded to step on their semi-motionless carcasses. I could not control myself.

I regret so badly. I feel so sorry for all the Aedes Mosquitoes I have murdered. I feel sorry for those families whose mothers were murdered. If mosquitoes had human-like feelings, which I believe they do, they would be mourning the deaths of their parent, their loving mother, who would risk their lives to absorb blood from people and potentially give people fatal diseases.

I hope that those I have killed would be guided by Lord Setrap and Lama Tsongkhapa through Bardo and have a human life where they can be able to learn the Dharma without any problems.

I can confess but their blood is still on me. The stains 0f the mosquito's blood would still be in my mind. I will most likely go to the lower realms as I have took the lives of many. I took the lives away from 26 mothers which most likely do have children that they struggle to feed.

Why I call all of the mosquitoes that I have killed a mother? This is not for a spiritual reason. Just to let you know. Because only female mosquitoes feed on human blood.

A picture of the type of mosquito that I murdered and regret murdering:

R.I.P 26 Aedes Mosquitoes

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