
I had a nightmare last night about being a chicken. Many people would think that it would be no big deal but to me it was. I dreamed that I was a chicken for slaughter.

It was extremely vivid.

I dreamed that at birth the tip of my beak was cut off by a hot iron.Then, I could not be social with my friends. I was very afraid. These men chucked me into a small cage. It was packed with 20 other chickens.

What felt like a few months later, my feet were aching and cut up because of the cage bottom. Some of my friends already died. Their bodies were just left there, unattended.

Then, the cage shook and the door was open. The same men grabbed us out and put us into another set of cages. I felt even more compact. I could not even flutter my wings or heighten my head. My right eye was knocked out by the blunt beak of another chicken.

I could feel the engine of the truck. I was starving. I can see that some of my friends already died. They just lied in their own filth.

After a day or two, I felt the cage move again and my cage was chucked into a factory.

Some men chained my feet to shackles and then a conveyor belt moved my body. Then, some men in white rubber suits slit my throat. I felt so much pain in my neck. I writhed around only to witness the end of my life.

Then, I woke up.

It was a horrible experience for me. I am lucky I already stopped eating meat....
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  1. you're nightmare makes really good sense. i actually feel like ima stop eating meat....

  2. the fish is so cute.. go vegan!
