Does God exist? ~inspired by Stephen Hawking's video.

Dear all readers, here is a very interesting video about Stephen Hawking's view on the existence of god. It caused somewhat of a controversy.

I also made some notes of certain points in the video that I was interested in. I will also include my own personal views in the post in conjunction with the notes, so the notes are not just a transcription and the notes are also in my words too. Enjoy!

The video is based of the opinions and commentary of Stephen Hawking. This program examines the creation of the universe.

Stephen Hawking describes himself as a physicist, cosmologist and a dreamer. He may not be able to communicate like a normal human being and has to speak through a computer. However, he believes that unlike most humans, his mind is free. His question is whether there is a god that controls the universe, that controls all the stars and the planets and even both you and I. He introduces this as a research on how the universe was created and how it really works.

A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away (just kidding), the answer to all natural phenomena was  the god or gods made everything. The world was scary and everyone had to trust one god or another as an explanation for the strange habits of mother earth.

Even the mighty vikings are terrified of gods! They also place their faiths in gods like Thor!


There is a story about a wolf god called Skoll (Not the WoW character). The wolf god would once in a while gobble up the sun. The vikings would be scared. They responded by screaming loudly and shouting and drumming and chanting war cries.

The sun would return because of their actions. At least that was what they believed. A hundred years later, this thing would be called a solar eclipse.

(Curse you, Skoll!)

Without a scientific explanation, think about how would it feel to have your sun that gives you warmth and light, suddenly disappear. You would be scared.

The vikings believed that by doing all those chants, they scared away Skoll. Now, with the scientific explanation. It comes to show that the universe is not as supernatural or mysterious as it seems.

Knowledge on how the universe works was supposed to be a god privilege. However, mortals have been able to understand how it works too. Anaxagoras is a greek philosopher who became interested about solar eclipses and figured the whole damn thing out and also proven that the Earth does not rotate around the sun.

For centuries, people with disabilities are referred to as a end-product of a curse from god. Stephen Hawking prefers to understand that it was because of the laws of nature.

There are two sets of laws. The analogy of tennis is used. There are the man-made laws. Whether it is an in or an out or whether it is a foul or not. 

Then, there are the laws of nature. It governs what happens when the ball is hit. The angle and the power, even to the energy from the muscles is all under the power of nature.

Unlike the laws of man, the laws of nature is unbreakable.

Because of this law, Stephen Hawking believes that there would be no role for God.

People would counter this by saying that god created these laws of nature.

Stephen Hawking proceeded to tel Galileo's story. He said that the discoveries that scientists made lessened the need for a god to exist.

Science does not deny religion, it just offers a simpler alternative to simple things like the eclipse.

Now, let us cook up a universe.

999999 grams of Matter
2999999 Joules of energy
99999999999999 cubic kilometers of space
(numbers are purely fictional)

Albert Einstein had also proven that matter and energy are in fact the same thing. Thus, there are in actuality just 2 ingredients.

Space exists everywhere. Matter is anything that has mass. Matter is the same as energy. You can get a whole universe for free. 

Also, the laws of physics demands the existence of a negative energy. Imagine a man wants to build a hill on a flat piece of land. There is a hill and a hole now. It is still in balance.

When the big bang happened, there was a lot of positive and negative energy that equally balanced out and equals to zero. So, in the end our universe equals zero.

If the universe summed up to zero, you do not need a god to create it. Why would you need a god to create when nothing is created?

Then, the question is shifted to who made the big bang? Who started all of this? The answer is quantum mechanics.

On a sub atomic level, particles can appear and disappear at random.

Time actually began with the big bang. If you were to send a clock into a black hole, it would eventually stop (assuming it did not get crushed). Thus, time did not exist before the big bang as the universe was a big black hole. Thus, a god did not exist due to the lack of time for a god to exist.

According to Stephen Hawking, there is no afterlife. So, YOLO!!!

My personal belief is that god exists but not as a creator. God exists as a deity or supernatural being that is more powerful than regular humans. They do not govern but they live in a paradise called the god realm in Buddhism. I prefer the Buddhist belief and also Buddhism does not care about a creator god as that was already in the past and it would not be beneficial.

Ok, so peace out!

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