
I read a post on Rinpoche's blog on Concentration.

Our mind is like a monkey always moving, always busy. Here are some ways to help generate concentration.

The practice of concentration requires sitting in your proper posture, to which there are seven points:

1. Legs crossed and feet resting on the thighs, with soles turned upward. If this causes too much pain, it distracts from concentration. In which case, sit with the left foot tucked under the right thigh and the right foot resting on the left thigh.
2. The trunk set as straight and erect as possible.
3. Arms formed into a bow-shape, with elbows neither resting against the sides of the body nor protruding outward. The right hand rests in the left palm, with the thumbs touching lightly to form an oval.
4. The neck straight but slightly hooked, with the chin drawn in.
5. Eyes focused downward at the same angle as the line of the nose.
6. Mouth and lips relaxed, neither drooping nor shut tightly.
7. Tongue lightly held against the palate.

It works! I just tried it. I manage to concentrate for at least 5 seconds (the amount of time I tested it). I bet that if I did it longer it would work longer.

I need to tame my mind or else I will end up in the three lower realms.

There is also a "chart" showing the stages of the mind.

It is so cool.

The person who taught this form of meditation is Geshe Rabten (Pictured Below)

He looks cool.

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