re: Three kinds of Laziness

Reference: Rinpoche's blog:

I noticed I have these kinds of laziness. It just comes to show that I am too self indulgent. Thus, I should change. I must change from being the type of laziness that everyone knows about such as lying about and doing nothing to being hardworking but putting more effort into anything I do. I should also not waste time anymore. I should be pushing myself to do more. When asked to do one, do two.

The second thing I need to change is my attitude because sometimes I would rely on others to do what I am supposed to do. I should think more positively, I should think that I can do it as I would usually think to myself, "I can't do this. It is too hard. I think others can do it better than me." I should think the opposite, "I can do it. It is fine. I think I can do it just as others can."

I am not really sure how I am connected to the third one as I do not just make myself busy with worldly things unless TV and computers would count. Because I thought that watching TV and playing computer games would be considered the first kind. Not wanting to do anything useful. So, I am not sure if it counts.
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